Saturday, August 21, 2010


It finally got me. I was being so confident when Evan was sick last week that I kindly accepting all of his sloppy snotsy kisses. Completely forgot about all the germs that might got into me, and didn't bother to take vitamins. Btw, he likes to kiss my lips recently! (Don't know where that coming from...) Then one day I woke up with terrible sore throat. Yes, the flu was finally got me, and I must got it from the little boy! I've heard lots of stories that you can get sick from your sick kids. But that never happened to me until last week. and this time the flu is really really bad. I didn't remember when the last time i felt this sick. Within a day my voice started to break and had runny nose. The next day i couldn't talk at all. I lost my voice. The next day my voice was better then I started coughing... and coughing... and coughing. It was terrible!!! Antibiotics seems to work very slow in my body. The day I couldn't talk, had no choice but to whisper. By no means, Evan started copying me, then hubby did the same. So we are all whispering to each other! One lesson to learn : stay away from the kid when he is sick! which of course I can't! So another lesson to learn : do not forget to boost myself with vitamin C and plenty of good night sleep when Evan is sick.

Update 1 september 2010
Both evan and i still sick. Evan's cough got worse last weekend so i had to take him to doctor and he is on antibiotic now. So sad seeing him coughing so hard and unable to sleep well. :( sadly of course it effecting me too. I have to give him full attention 24 hours, alas, me too had sleepless night and overly tired during the day. Not helping my recovery at all. I had visited 2 doctors and swallowed 2 different antibiotics for 3 weeks, still not getting better. Starting to get upset!!! I'm so sick of being sick. I need to be well to take care the boys!! And the little boy need to get well too for crying out loud.....

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