Friday, July 23, 2010

Gadget boy

This is evan, playing my ipod. Have to teach him to take turn otherwise i would never have a chance to use it. But it's good i got something to keep him occupied for a few minutes. :) is it a phenomena of new generation being very smart in using any gadger and games? Or it is evan who is a smart boy. I guess both are right. Recently we discover he knows n understand almost everything we said and ask him to do. The only problem is he doesnt talk! But he add his vocabulary today : "eesss" ... Meaning: please. :)

One thing that is both good and bad is that he is very cautious with the dirt and mess. He doesn't like to have his hands dirty when eating, he likes to be fed just to avoid the dirt n mess on his hand. When he feels his mouth or nose dirty from food or tears and snots, he would get a tissue. He wipe his face by himself. Or point n wipe his dad or my face if he sees stain on our faces. When he sees dirt or mess on the table or floor, he would notice n point them. Sometimes he would ask for tissue and clean the mess! Not very clean , of course:) but clearly he is aware and annoyed by the mess. I think this is pretty extraordinary. But he probably learn from me! The clean freak in the house:) However, he is still messy with his toys and books and sometimes with the food, which is quite a relief:)

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