Thursday, August 5, 2010


This is Evan this morning - on his trial childcare day. He was pretty excited with his new school bag, and he knew he was going to school. What he didn't know was that I would leave him there for one hour - as a trial before he really go to the "school" next Tuesday.

It went quite OK,.. actually went as expected. I stayed for a while watched him playing. He was overwhelmed watching many kids around and so many new toys to touch and play with. When he looked a bit settle I told him that I will go to toilet, and he started to cry and clinging on me. I tried to explain that I won't be long and will be back. But he cried harder. Then the heartbreaking drama started. The teacher picked him up and I should go away. He cried louder and screamed 'mum... mum....mum!"

Dear oh dear....
I didn't know what to do when I got back to the car. Then I decided to go to the post office to post a dvd to my friend in Sydney and did a bit of groceries shopping. Half hour has passed, then I called the centre. They said he was settled after about 5 minutes. All good. However Evan has already started to cry and wanted to leave the playing room when I got back to the centre to pick him up. But looked happy to see me again.

I took him to library to do some crafting with other kids, then we had lunch in Mc Donald for a treat. :)

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