Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First day at "school"

It's a school day today.

It's Evan's first day in childcare !

I was a bit nervous. But actually it went well!

I didn't mean to sneak out, but I did. First, I meant to hide and see how he went. He cried, and soon taken over by one of the teacher and he started to settle down and play. I didn't want to upset him again, so I left. I felt terrible after that as I didn't say goodbye. Around nap time I called the centre and he actually was sleeping!

What did I do when Evan at school? today actually I did the usual thing. Went to woolies for groceries shopping, then went home and cook. It was soooo weird doing the normal thing at home without the little rascal around. It was quiet and peaceful. Too quiet! and I was too busy too and time flies quick. By the time everything finished, it was the time to pick Evan up.

When I got there he was playing in the sand pit. So busy that he didn't look please when he saw me. He even didn't want to go home! After I asked him to go home for the 3rd time he started to got up and walked to get his water bottle, then walked to the front door. He knew the way!

OMG... the first day in 'school' wasn't that bad at all. He spent around 6 hours there, and everything looked good. He looked a bit hungry when he got home though. He ate plenty of fruits and biscuit after I bath him, and seemed to please to go back to 'school' on Thursday :)

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