Saturday, August 28, 2010


Hujan baru saja berhenti dan matahari mulai kembali muncul dari balik awan kelabu saat aku mulai menapakkan kakiku di jalan beraspal.

Bau aspal basah bercampur bau rumput basah di udara, kuhirup udara dingin dan baunya dalam2.

Senyum mengembang, kepala terasa ringan dan bersih....

Itu cerita tentang mimpiku tadi malam, as far as I remember.Weird....

Saturday, August 21, 2010


It finally got me. I was being so confident when Evan was sick last week that I kindly accepting all of his sloppy snotsy kisses. Completely forgot about all the germs that might got into me, and didn't bother to take vitamins. Btw, he likes to kiss my lips recently! (Don't know where that coming from...) Then one day I woke up with terrible sore throat. Yes, the flu was finally got me, and I must got it from the little boy! I've heard lots of stories that you can get sick from your sick kids. But that never happened to me until last week. and this time the flu is really really bad. I didn't remember when the last time i felt this sick. Within a day my voice started to break and had runny nose. The next day i couldn't talk at all. I lost my voice. The next day my voice was better then I started coughing... and coughing... and coughing. It was terrible!!! Antibiotics seems to work very slow in my body. The day I couldn't talk, had no choice but to whisper. By no means, Evan started copying me, then hubby did the same. So we are all whispering to each other! One lesson to learn : stay away from the kid when he is sick! which of course I can't! So another lesson to learn : do not forget to boost myself with vitamin C and plenty of good night sleep when Evan is sick.

Update 1 september 2010
Both evan and i still sick. Evan's cough got worse last weekend so i had to take him to doctor and he is on antibiotic now. So sad seeing him coughing so hard and unable to sleep well. :( sadly of course it effecting me too. I have to give him full attention 24 hours, alas, me too had sleepless night and overly tired during the day. Not helping my recovery at all. I had visited 2 doctors and swallowed 2 different antibiotics for 3 weeks, still not getting better. Starting to get upset!!! I'm so sick of being sick. I need to be well to take care the boys!! And the little boy need to get well too for crying out loud.....

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First day at "school"

It's a school day today.

It's Evan's first day in childcare !

I was a bit nervous. But actually it went well!

I didn't mean to sneak out, but I did. First, I meant to hide and see how he went. He cried, and soon taken over by one of the teacher and he started to settle down and play. I didn't want to upset him again, so I left. I felt terrible after that as I didn't say goodbye. Around nap time I called the centre and he actually was sleeping!

What did I do when Evan at school? today actually I did the usual thing. Went to woolies for groceries shopping, then went home and cook. It was soooo weird doing the normal thing at home without the little rascal around. It was quiet and peaceful. Too quiet! and I was too busy too and time flies quick. By the time everything finished, it was the time to pick Evan up.

When I got there he was playing in the sand pit. So busy that he didn't look please when he saw me. He even didn't want to go home! After I asked him to go home for the 3rd time he started to got up and walked to get his water bottle, then walked to the front door. He knew the way!

OMG... the first day in 'school' wasn't that bad at all. He spent around 6 hours there, and everything looked good. He looked a bit hungry when he got home though. He ate plenty of fruits and biscuit after I bath him, and seemed to please to go back to 'school' on Thursday :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cot's Resident

Evan likes to threw things he likes to his cot... not sure why. Maybe so that he can sleep them ??.... Among all the odd things, yesterday I found these in his cot.......

* Biscuit tin (and its lid) - dirty one as it has been used for his crayon and markers collection

* My old ipod and usb charger connector

* a potato - not sure how he got it !

* a truck - his favorite one

* and Cliffy - the dog. This one is the legal resident of the cot, though ;p

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hair Drama

Who just had a hair cut today? ... Yes.. my little boy! :)
I personally like his long hair, but as he is going to childcare, I think he needs to have his hair short. For easy treatment and lice protection.

So another drama in the salon happened today for 15 minutes. He cried the whole time on his dad's lap. I was trying to cheer him with toys and books, wipe his tears and snots, and brush hair that came down to his wet face. When it finished, he transformed to a very stranger looking boy :)

He looks 1 kg lighter without his big bushy hair on his head.
I can see his ears sticking up now and that's reminds me that I haven't cleaned those ears for so long! :) He looks skinnier, and actually looks cheekier!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


This is Evan this morning - on his trial childcare day. He was pretty excited with his new school bag, and he knew he was going to school. What he didn't know was that I would leave him there for one hour - as a trial before he really go to the "school" next Tuesday.

It went quite OK,.. actually went as expected. I stayed for a while watched him playing. He was overwhelmed watching many kids around and so many new toys to touch and play with. When he looked a bit settle I told him that I will go to toilet, and he started to cry and clinging on me. I tried to explain that I won't be long and will be back. But he cried harder. Then the heartbreaking drama started. The teacher picked him up and I should go away. He cried louder and screamed 'mum... mum....mum!"

Dear oh dear....
I didn't know what to do when I got back to the car. Then I decided to go to the post office to post a dvd to my friend in Sydney and did a bit of groceries shopping. Half hour has passed, then I called the centre. They said he was settled after about 5 minutes. All good. However Evan has already started to cry and wanted to leave the playing room when I got back to the centre to pick him up. But looked happy to see me again.

I took him to library to do some crafting with other kids, then we had lunch in Mc Donald for a treat. :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Have finished reading Perahu Kertas.

Have to tell you that I like it a lot.

The story is simple. About love and friendship. Maybe it's not an exciting theme for people at my age.

But for me, it's good to have a break from reading English books.
The words that the author's use, the way she put them all together, the story itself, strongly enough to take me into each characters world, enough to make me happy and sad, in tears because of both. Enough to take me back to the good memories of myself old days. Enough to make me realise how I miss to write in Bahasa again. In a good Bahasa words, that is.....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

This and That


* I finally finished Mao's Last Dancer, amazed with the author's life journey, I am now longing to watch the movie.

* started to read Perahu Kertas - and fall in love once again with Dee and indonesian 'sastra' world. I read until 3am last night and can't wait to read again tonight. Yes, have to wait to read because it's on my ipod. As you know, I can't use my ipod when the little Evan is around (*sigh*)

* still making squares.... it comes to 14 squares now...

* i baked cookies for the first time since we are back in australia

* went to salon to have a hair cut. Last hair cut was in Jakarta, a year ago.

* i made two new chicken dishes that were successfully accepted by the boys. They were chicken grill and tom yum sauce chicken.

* I got a 'me' time in the middle of the week and on the first day of the week.... that was because hubby was at home... not working on work days...

* I and Evan have spent more times with hubby around, since he had day off work for the whole week, which was great.

* evan like to ask for tissues to wipe everything he thinks are dirty. His own hands, mouth, table, and the other night he couldn't stop wiped his dad's face, tried to get rid of the unshaven beard. He thinks it was dirt!

* i started to read Evan a book before bed. He loves this new routine. sometimes he wants to read two books.:)

* Evan is getting better in building Lego and blocks. He made lots of interesting building. Photos to come.

* Evan was saying grace before dinner. Well, not exactly... but he followed what i and hubby doing, close eyes and close our hands together. He did it with smile, sometimes he close his eyes too, sometimes looking at us and smile whilst his hand holded together in front of his chest... ;p We didn't asked him to do that, he just followed what we did ! Soooo cute :)

* Has been telling Evan over and over, that he is going to school every Tuesday and Thursday... and that he will have fun playing with new toys with friends and teachers, and that I will not always be there, but always will be back and pick him up in the afternoon. Not sure if he understand....

* Evan started to sleep through the night ... finally! So I was able to sleep through the night too, but alas, still have not enough sleep, as I was too excited to read a book or crochet-ing, or ipod-ing.

* i think my little boy is the cutest boy in the world.

* almost fed up with winter.

* just realised that today-last year was the day we landed our feet in Aussie. We were in Sydney, though.