Saturday, July 17, 2010

Si Ipin

Introducing si Ipin, my new toy.
It is no doubt fun and addictive. Enough to distract me from reading, blogging, crocheting, and cleaning! Even little Evan got his eye on it all the time. It's quite amazing to see how he use it. He knows how to unlock, find his games folder, and play his games one by one over and over, at his age!
Although i still have to use my multitasking E71 most of the time, mainly because I cant use it peacefully when Evan is around, this new toy has brighten our family's day. So, thank you, mr Bams, for the nice surprising gift. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aduh... jd maluu..hehe..smoga benda itu membawa nothing but good deh -bams-