Friday, July 30, 2010

Big Step

Finally,... after long search and deep thinking, we found the childcare. Not a perfect one, but which we feel is the best from the others. Last week the confirmation has been received by family assistant office, and this week the registration form has been submitted to the childcare. The plan is Evan is going to spend the day in the childcare every Tuesday and Thursday start from 10 August. Next week we are going on Tuesday and Thursday for a couple hours introduction and trial.

The weird thing is Evan has been a good boy in the last few days. He became a sweet for the whole day. Made me a bit guilty to send him to 'school' (that's what I told him - that he's going to 'school' every Tuesday and Thursday). Thinking about the comfort habits and rituals we have in daily basis, that it would probably change when he goes to 'school', made me have a slight doubt to send him there, but it might be for his and my own good.

Both need a break from each other, both need to socialise with their kind. :)
I hope Evan's behaviour, social and speech skills will improve. And it would make the settling in the pre-school easily later. I hope I will have a little bit of my own during those time. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, though. I'll think about it later, when I'm sure Evan is happy and settle to stay in 'school' for the whole day.

Now I'm a bit nervous about it. It would be a big step for both of us. Hope everything goes well.

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