Monday, June 21, 2010

Historical day

19 June 2010 was a special day. It's when Evan started to say 'Mum' and 'Dad' ! We've been waiting for him to talk. At his age, 2,2 years, his speaking skills is very limited. His vocab since he was 1,6 year old was Shoes, No, Juice, and Cheese. It didn't improve much for a long time. He screamed a lot though, which is frustrating and annoying. Sometimes he babbles and babbles with his own language, and didn't stop. A few weeks ago he started to say "tatata" which means Tractor. That was improvement, at least we know what he wants/talking about.

So when he finally said, "MUM" when I pointed myself and asked, "Who is this?" I and hubby was thrilled! And then he said "DAD' when hubby pointed himself and asked, "who is this?". We were filled with excitement!

He's probably doesn't talk much now, but he is definitely getting there.

Can't wait !

Evan is babbling... ;p

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