Saturday, June 19, 2010


One of Evan's favorite toys lately is lego and blocks. He had them for quite a while, but it takes time until he finally understand how to play it properly, that the blocks is there to be built into something, not to throw or munch on.

It's fun to see how his motoric n building skills change and improve everyday. Moreover, it's interesting to see the way he arrange the blocks. They always arranged in the same direction (not cross way or messy way), so it always resulting nice looking shapes. By the look of it, he might grow to be a tidy - ordered, organise boy (i hope! :p)

I use the blocks to teach him to learn colour too. He starts to know Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green now.:)

My next project is introduce him to blocks that can not be attached. Hundreds of block that you have to stack. It would be interesting. But I have to find the good one first.

Here is some pictures of the Lego shapes he made himself almost a month ago. It's quite amazing for me, and he gets better and better nowadays.

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