Monday, July 23, 2007

What Has Happened

Here is what has happened in the past few days

Unpack our stuff (of course!), which packed in 71 boxes, weight more than 1400 kg.

Taking out things from the boxes are easy. It finished in 3 days. But arranging and tidy things up around the house, that does took more than a week.

House is more like a house now. No more echoes because of empty big space. All drawers and cabinet filled. I’m surrounded by things that familiar to me. Even the smell of the house changed. Smell like our house.

Found a scale from one of the boxes. Found out I put on weight. 2 kg. (oops!). Exercise! I need exercise!

Had gain another bad habit. Lucky if I can sleep before 2am. Then I’ll get up very late and feel tired the whole morning. Will feel better and have more energy around 5pm onwards, and less and less dream! I found this very very strange.

Had enjoyed a few drinks since I've been here but no allergy reaction. Yay! But I drank the most poisoned cocktail I've ever had last week, one glass of vodka with mix fruit juice. Not only it calm me down (very strangely too “calm”) (*grin*), but also gave itchiness for a week. The worst I've ever had!

Attended the weirdest wedding I've ever been to. For the start, reception started at 8.30pm (which make me eat something before we go) Women guest placed in different room with men guest. Then the meal didn’t come out until 11.30pm (glad I’m smart enough to have noodles before we go). Few big round tables and chairs, big video screen screening what the couple’s doing before and at the reception, a decorated stage for bride, cheerful and romantic music with a blast sound system, and dance floor in women’s room. Only tables and chairs in men’s room, but they got appetiser first. The strangest thing was that men’s guest can’t see the bride! What’s the point to go to a wedding if you can’t see the bride and groom? But apart from all odd, we are glad we were invited. I was lucky enough to be in women’s room as I could see both bride and groom. The Bride was beautiful and gloomed. The Groom looked happy. They danced on the dance floor so romantically, like they were the only people in the world, whilst guest and cameramen were busy taking pictures and video. They looked very relax, happy, and in love! I’ve never seen anything like that in a wedding party. I almost burst in tears! We wished them a happy new life together.

Had been hearing lots of ‘local’ top-40 music. I think my brain and ears have finally agreed to accept peculiar melody, beat, music, and language local music have. Simply to say that I didn’t have headache anymore when I hear them and I started humming some of local songs now. ;p

Had abandoned Peter Carey’s “My Life As A Fake”. I think I’ll give it a break and shift to Harry Potter, since Harry Potter season is here. New movie and new book just came out. Harry Potter is everywhere. It reminded me that I haven’t read the last book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Good time to be back to reading routine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lucu amat photonya..represent ke sibukan elo with all those boxes..hihihi