Tuesday, July 24, 2007


As far as I don't like cooking, I'm surprise to find myself enjoying it (sometimes) lately. Maybe because we have such a fancy kitchen, maybe because I don't work, maybe because I started to get use to all the pain (*grin*).

Followed to my cooking attempt, trial and error last year and recent cooking incident, here is an update of few meals that I made since I've been here.

  • It's hard to get ingredients and cooking spices for Asian/Indo dishes. So for the start I have to use spices in ready package. It turned out ok, it's practical, and better than not cook at all. (*grin*)

  • These are only few meals that I took the picture when I remember. I cooked lot more.

Tom Kha Gai

Beef Rendang

But I also made few meals from the scratch. With all original spices, and with sweat and pain (*grin*) like this ones:

Nasi Goreng

Sweet and Sour Chicken
made it from scratch. Pretty proud with myself for this one

and of course, Perkedel Kentang (Potato Cake)

They might not look too good, but it taste good! At least hubby likes them and always finish them all. No complaint, no stomach ache, no critics. :D
So, what do you think? Do you think I'm improved ???


Anonymous said...

buhseeeeet..improve jaoooooooooooooooooohhhh..hauehauehuae..perkedelnya kliatan enak kok..tom ghai apaan yah?

Nencee said...

:D trims. Tom kha gai itu loh sop ayam ala thailand.... ;p

Anonymous said...

aahh..pasti beli di resto indonesia deket apartemen tuu...masak? nancy gitu loohhh...agak2 skeptis gw..wuahahaha

Nencee said...

boouw,... I wish ada resto Indo disini. :(