Saturday, June 30, 2007

Zodiac Reading

Read my horoscope in one of the local women magazine. Instead of having Finance, Romance, or Business as I normally read in other magazines, this one has mystic message, hottest date, and karmic goal. This is what it says:

Mystic message: That song you can't stop singing has a message for you.
Hottest Date : 27 June
Karmic Goal : To admit you're wrong, we know it's going to be hard.

I'm not sure what the karmic goal message means. I thought I always right! (*grin*)

I don't think I had a hottest date on 27 June. That was when hubby got home late from work and I cooked dinner and eat alone at home....

The mystic message is interesting. Since I watched the concert, I have this
SONG in my head that I can't get rid off. It's stuck there, even until now. Its title, Yemma, might means Mummy I Lie To You (not really sure). I can't remember when was the last time I lied to my mum (It's true!) ;p. And of course I can't understand what the lyric says.

Never trust what horoscope says. But always fun to read and compare it to the real life. ;p

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

First Concert

Last Monday we went to the a concert of a female singer called Souad Massi. Who the hell is she? we did not know. We never heard her name before, nor hear her songs. But we don't care. We were still very interested to go. Why? Because of where the concert gonna be held. It would be a concert under the stars, in one of the roman amphitheater in the ancient city called Jerash, about 1 hour drive from Amman. How cool would it be??!!

And I was right. Everything was great. The singer, the songs, the location, environment, crowd, all were fantastic. Only one thing, I couldn't understand any words they said. People on stage, including the singer spoke and sang in French and Arabic. But it's ok, not too annoying. I was surprise that the performance was far from glamorous. Massi looked very modest and simple, nice and humble. She wore very simple white top and pant, not much make up, no special hair style, and no jewellery. Most of the songs have nice beat and rhytym, mix of folk, rock, and traditional Algerian music. Very easy to listened and enjoyed, especially for us who listen the songs for the first time. She also play guitar. Always like singer who can play music instrument. And apparently she is quite famous. Chek out more about her in
here. If curious what kind of music and song she had, check this out.

And about the place itself, the amphiteater... it was amazing. Was built thousands and thousands years ago (sometimes BC!), I was thrilled! Kind of place that gave me goosebumps. I imagined people who built it, try to picture this place and Roman people and the small village surround it at the time when it was built. How they died and the place extinct and buried....... Hiiii.....
Was it looked like roman village we saw in the movies ??? Who knows....
Another thing is the village of Jerash used to be called Gerasa or Gerasene. And Gerasene is mentioned in bible! (Mark 5:1 and Luke 8:26). Am I a little be too excited here? :D
But truly, standing, sitting and looking at that historical place, it's just.....amazing....(*excited sigh*).
As I am now live near to all the places that also mentioned in bible and all of historical places, dont be surprise, dont get bored if I say 'amazing'... over and over and over again. ;D

Anyhoo, time to shut up and start cook dinner. Here is some
PHOTOS for you to enjoy.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Yesterday someone asked how's my life lately. The other day someone asked if I got bored or need company. The day before someone asked what I have been doing while hubby out of town.
The fact is : hubby works long hours on weekdays, sometimes he works on weekend too, and sometimes he works out of town. I'm not employed, I don't have baby, and live big empty house. I'm not surprise to get that questions. Although it kinda private question, but I understand if people wondered whether I ever feel lonely and bored since I got here.

It made me think. I've been here for over than 1 month now.

Actually, I think it wasn't bad at all. For me who used to be working and busy all day, other than missing my own stuff (we still living out of suitcases with minimal settling in kit), missing good Asian food, and missing work and life in Jakarta sometimes (blame on my Jakarta friends who keep sending me photos and great news ;p), I'm perfectly fine! I hardly feel bored and alone. Everyday is a new day here. Everyday means new experience, new things to do, new things to see, new things to feel, new things to touch, new things to learn, new food to taste, new places to go, new things to buy, new people to talk to, new everything!! How can I be bored?? Even when I just stay at home all day, that was because I wanted to, because I'm tired to go out, because I wanted to be alone, and because I wanted to get in touch with family and friends in Jakarta and Australia.

Sometimes I get frustrated while I am adapting to this new experience, or disappointed for not able to get things I usually use and eat, but they are all part of the adventure, which I learn to enjoy and not get too fussy about it (except in PMS time, that's the time for me to get fussy, annoying, and complaining about everything... ;p)

Weather wasn't too nice in the last few days, it got into around 33-36C at day time! and also very dusty and dry. Walking outside at daytime won't be so appealing anymore. :(
Apparently it will get hotter and not pleasant until September. August will be very very hot. However, because the city's elevation above sea level, summer in Amman is normally cooler than in the other country in Middle East. Therefore this city is a favourite destination for summer holiday for people from other cities. This is good, as the city will be more alive during summer because of the visitors, and there will be lot of events going on. I'm hoping to go to some of them.

Here are some photos of places around the city I visited in the past few days.

At the craft and art market : Souk Zara. This market only open on Friday. Good place to get bargain of local antiques, handicraft, and art works.

Friday is a weekend day and so people are not working. People are usually go for praying in the afternoon, so the market doesn't look so busy in the afternoon. But will be busier in the evening, and more lively as it will be a live local band playing modern or folk songs. Good place and time to hang out.

One of the stall. Sell big and old earthenware
Another stall selling antiques ....

and more antiques.

One of the stall that sells paintings. Others stalls sell jewellery, mosaics, pottery, etc. Very interesting. I'll take more photos next time I go there.

In front of Book @ Cafe. As you can tell from the name, it's a book shop on the 1st floor, and a very cozy internet cafe at the 2nd floor where people can hang out and work on their laptop without being hassled.

Lines Gallery, situated in one of the original old house, with views over the down town area. A contemporary paintings exhibition was held when I came. I might join its art classes someday.

Abdoun Mall, not too far from my house. But I like Mecca Mall better...

Mecca Mall on Friday night. Very busy. Four storeys, recently expanded its premises, and it has lots of shops I like ;p It also has food court and cinema showing a blockbuster movies. Yay!

Two landmark of this city: The Royale Hotel, which I heard very luxury and expensive, and the new funky bridge which just opened late last year.

St Mary of Nazareth Church. Just 10 minutes walk from my house. The only English mass is on Saturday at 5pm.

The church tower with the bells, on the left side of the main building. I can hear the sound of these bells from my house. Nice sound. I hardly hear anything like that where I lived before.

View of down town from a place called Wild Jordan Cafe. Can you see a big flag in the distance?? See more closely in next photo.

The flag is massive. But the flagpole is the one that we should be look closer. It called Raghadan Flagpole and it's the second tallest free-standing flagpole in the world! ;p

Here at Wild Jordan Cafe, I enjoyed the view and took some photos, and...

enjoyed the freshness of strawberry juice with lemon and mint leaves and grilled chicken with yummy 'herbie' sauce with mash potato and vegies.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Cutie Pie

OMG!,... this little girl 'innocent' performance gave me a chill and tears!! Then I knew it wasn't only me, she did it to the judges as well.

Found this accidentally when I browse YouTube this morning. Thought this is another silly talent competition that currently happens everywhere in the world. But then I could not stop browse. Some are absolutely silly-funny and don't have talent at all. But there are some that are really good, like that little cutie pie Conny, and



and this.

Friday, June 15, 2007

What Happen If

Kitty News

I'm allergic to animal fur such as dog and cat. That's what a doctor said to my mum when I was little. As a result I grew up in a pet-free house. My parents had some fish and birds and at one stage, but they had to give away the birds as I started to react to its existence in not a good way. It's a pity, really. I personally like to little dogs and recently learned that cat can be a pleasant pet to have too.

2 days ago, I went to a small tour to this place. A place I've never imagine I would be visited, for the reason above. It called The Human Centre of Animal Welfare. As you can guess from its name, this place is basically trying to save animals. It provides free medical services for injured animals and treat them until they recovered. It also a place for young vet students to learn and do a job-training, as well as provide boarding hotel for cats and dogs.

It's amazing to see people who dedicate their life fully in this loving business. Most of them are volunteering and work there day by day, work by they heart. I saw lots of injured animals such as a dog that have to have his leg amputated, a dog that with injured eye, a horse that have to have its tongue removed, a limp cat because someone has run over it, injured birds because they got shot, and many more. Quite heart breaking.

The place are clean and well maintained. All animals would be safe enough to for human, as they would have had lots of injections. From many rooms and facilities they have, we were finally allowed to go to a room full of cute cats and pat them. Wish I could adopt one or two little kitten..... (*sigh*).

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

1-3 Jam Aja, Please

Baru pulang dari spouse meeting.

Ternyata not too bad, secara kali ini cuma berlangsung 1,5 jam, nyantai, dan gak pake alkohol. Meskipun acaranya cuma ngobrol dan makan makanan kecil, ngopi, dan nge-teh.

1-3 jam rasanya pas banget buat acara begini. Gak sampe kembung ato mabok karena kebanyakan minum, gak sampe berbusa karena kebanyakan ngomong, dan gak sampe bengong karena keabisan bahan omongan.

Coba tiap acara cuma 1-3 jam aja. I wish!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sampai Kapan???

Lagi pundung.
Bukan cuma karena sakit perut dan kurang tidur.
bukan cuma karena ribet sama pembantu yang keliaran di sini, saat ini,
juga bosen sama berbagai 'garing' acara,
lagi cape denger berita-berita suram dan menyedihkan di dunia bagian sini,
sedih denger berbagai berita bencana alam di dunia bagian lain,
tapi terutama,
gemas sama protokol dan birokrasi yang bikin barang-barang kami belum juga nyampe di depan pintu.
I want my stuff !!!!
I want my own fried pan
I want my own blanket
I want my own iron board
I want my other clothes and shirts
I want my other shoes
I want my own everything!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Moji 'Mood' Bear

Waaa... finally the moji bear finally awake from his loooong sleep!! See him on the right side bar. How clever!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Story Of The Day

Yesterday, I managed to drag myself get out from the bed quite early, yes.. 9am was very early (*grin*). Then I got out of the house, walked around the shop nearby, and found some salons. They are located quite hidden in the second floor of the building. I went in and they looked like quite nice salon with friendly people. I might have my hair done someday in one of those salons.

After that I didn't feel going home yet, so amazingly I found myself hail a taxi, thinking to go to the nearest shopping area. Note: It was my first time being in a taxi by myself since I've been here. Why? I was worried that I cant direct taxi driver to go to my house. Here, I would really need to direct them, because you are lucky if you can get drivers who knows the nearest small Hotel from my place, or even if they know that Hotel, we still need to direct them to go to my house as they are not familiar with name of the street, they were lousy in reading map, they drive fast and normally have very loud radio on. Pretty complicated. But today I just wanted to get out of house and just try!

Finally, I got into Mecca Mall quite all right (I think taxi driver took me a round trip to get more fare, but it's ok as long as it has meters on and it doesn't cost me more than 2 JD). Then I strolled in the mall by myself, which was fun and relaxing. I was actually need some things, so I tried to have a look shops that I really need to. Went in to few shoe shops and surprisingly got friendly and helpful customer service. Went in to few cosmetics and jewellery and accessories shops too. Only in not more than 2,5 hours, I have bought 2 pasminas, 2 cosmetic products, 1 belt, 1 set of quilt cover, and 1 pair of shoes. All in good quality and brand, with good price. That was a record for me! I usually spent more than 5 hours looking for something I need and could find any.

Getting home was another challenge. I got a taxi easily in front of the mall as queued. Then I told him the landmark building near my apartment (the small Hotel) in Arabic. Driver looked understand what I said. I crossed my finger hoping he would pass the location near my house which I know. And yes, he drove to that location and I could easily direct him to stop right in front of my apartment building. Nice! Didn't get lost at all. :D

Before I got into my apartment, I met Ahmad at his little room downstairs. He is our 'houseman' (a man who are paid to take care of the apartment building such as guard, clean, and do bit of maintenance, and do general assistance to the tennants). He barely speak English. Interesting how I communicate with him. I learned Arabic only 4 weeks before I got here, and what I learned is apparently very formal Arabic, while people here (including Ahmad) talk in 'street' Arabic. I hardly use his service yet and about to try one. As I have to walk to the main road to hail a taxi, so I thought I would try to get Ahmad to get me taxi ready in front of the apartment so it would save time and energy for me to go to Andrew's office that evening. So yesterday, I spoke in broken 'formal' arabic words to him, asking him to find me a taxi at 5pm that day. He looked understand, and tried to confirmed with his own words. He spoke 'street' Arabic words... I couldn't understand any words! I repeated what I want in my words, and he said 'ok'. I was then should wait and see what's gonna happen at 5pm then went inside. It was only about 2pm at that time.

About 10 minutes to 5pm I was ready to go. I looked at Ahmad's little room, the window and door is closed. I called him but no answer. Then I heard someone yell 'madame!' from the street. It was Ahmad. He got out from taxi, smile and said 'taxi madame'. :D Wacko! Nice treat.

Then... (yes, the day hasn't finished yet!) Another challenge is to direct driver to Andrew's office. Hhhh......But instead... I didn't get any difficulties at all! It went straight to the location. How great is that!! And then I'm ready to meet Andrew and other people to cheer and support Australian Soccer Olympic team. We were going to King Abdullah Bin Al Hussein Stadium by bus, to watch soccer match between Aussie and Jordan. That would be another story, another post and pictures.

But to be able to go around by myself in the foreign country as a minority where I hardly understand the language, was a definite 'something'. I can call it achievement even for such simple things like getting a taxi. When you can enjoy what you've done and had and feel safe and sound, it would be another value. I got it all in one day yesterday. Really hope it stays that way, especially with all the news about the racism and harrasment floating around. Now I can say I was quite proud of myself. ;p