Saturday, April 14, 2007


kulihat dunia berputar lagi...
warna warni terindah menyinari bumi...
kujelang hari, kujelang mimpi...
hadirmu utopia...
senyumku utopia...
rinduku utopia...
khayalku utopia...
kudengar dunia bernyanyi lagi...
nada-nada terindah mendamaikan bumi...

Utopia - by Homogenic

Utopia. I like this word. It gives a positive meaning and hopes. Although there's no such thing as a perfect place. An ideal place and life, it's only fiction, fantasy. But it's good to have a fantasy that someday I could live in a perfect, ideal place, where there's only peace, no pain, no hunger, where people don't have to get older, don't have to be sick, where I can see more people smiling and laughing than sad and crying, where there is no hate, no stress, no worries, where the weather is nice, not too hot, not too cold, where people doesn't have to bad to, bitch, or trick each other. well.. maybe you still have to sleep, eat, work, etc, but you know.. where everything just run smoothly like whatever you wanted. I know.. it might be not as exciting as the world we live now. It would be a total boredom place. But... again, no such place like my fantasy utopia.

Anyhoo, wonder what kind of Utopia you have in your fantasy ??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

UTOPIA (yoo-to-pea)"NOUN", an imagined state or place or things in which everything is perfect ( Thesaurus ) opposite of DYSTOPIA...origin based Greek-Ou "not" + topos "place"..The word was first used in the book Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More...