Monday, January 15, 2007

Pinky Little Something

Hiyaaa...... This is the FIRST creature I knitted! Yay!!! :)
Thanks to the 'Guru' !

I just started learn how to knit in October and it was only for a few week, which then I busy with other things. Guru said my knit stitches looks like knit of a person who has knitted for years. :) what a compliment, hey ?
Anyhoo, I called this thing a creature, it's supposed to be a white snowball. I didn't have enough white yarn, so I made it in pink. But whatever it is, I would always treasure this little pinky ball as my first creation of knitting. Hoping to have more time to knit this year.

These little farm family created by the 'guru' while she was here.
Notes: These are only some of them. She made lots more!

1 comment:

cendee said...

ihhh lucuuuuu..topinya..haheiaheihiae..aduh..pengen bikin..