Saturday, August 12, 2006


I can't remember when the last time I did the 'real' exercise was. I think the last time was at Clark Hatch fitness centre in Jakarta. It was like... ages ago!

I have not joined any fitness or sport club since I moved here. I joined yoga class for about 2 months, but that was not exercise....

Sometimes I jog, around the block or at the park near our house when I was in Adelaide. Here, I usually walk instead of jog . But its a long walk, took about 2 hours. I like it, I could enjoy the view of park in one side and beach scenery at the other side. Also got my fav music played on my ipod, especially when I walked alone, and had camera to play with. Here are some
images taken when I and Andrew had a long walk at Nightcliff Beach side. But it was also not 'real' excercise. I sometimes walk too slow, too busy looking around and took pictures, and hardly sweating. :) ... Maybe that's why Andrew like to go to walk or jog by himself sometimes.... so he can walk faster and longer ;p

Anyway, I might go to an aerobic class with my work mates next week. Excited!

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