Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Just Ordinary Days

I wonder,... why does this week go so slow. It's only Wednesday today! Heeeh.....
I know, I know.... I got this Monday off for a public holiday. But I have had enough. Can't wait for another break!

Btw, I had a quiet long week end. Didn't go to Darwin Cup (Horse Race). It's ok. I was not too keen anyway. Had 3 days of sleep in. Went to dinner and lunch with good friends, nice food, beautiful sunset. Went shopping, and watched a long outstanding movie, Pirates of Carribean: Dead Men's Chest. I know... I know.... we were a bit late,.. but we hardly had time to watch it. Lucky it still screened in the Cinema. Despite of all the critics about this film, I personally quite entertained. Easy, funny, well made movie, that's enough for me, at least for now. Not in the mood in watching complicated film. Now, I'm supposed to feel refresh! I was on Tuesday morning....

uugh.... Wish I could have another day off tomorrow.....(*sigh*)

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