Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Thanks Mr Beckham

Finally, for the first time in my life, I won a bet on a soccer game ! :)
Here was the deal: whoever guess the closest score, win the bet. The winner will get exclusive 30 minutes non-stop massage from the looser. The match was, of course, Australia vs Italy, which was happened today.

Unlike me, Andrew is very into sport. He played cricket and australian football, also try to keep in shape with exercises like do the weight, run, walk, etc etc. Hence, not a surprise when he was so excited when Australia went to the World Cup 2006 after more 32-year wait. As you can also guess, he never missed watching the "socceroos" match in this event. He stayed up until 4.30am, or put an alarm on to wake him up at 3.30am so he could watch the game that start at 4am. Then go to work at 8am. I still couldn't understand how can he do that, but he did.

Anyway, back to the bet,... Andrew guessed 2-1 for Australia, and my guess was 1-0 for Italy.

At the end, my score was not even close to the score. I got it exactly right, instead! Yeaah... too bad, Australia was knocked out of 2006's World Cup in Germany this morning when they accepted a late penalty to lose the second round match against Italy 1-0.

Andrew and friends were in Brisbane for work when they saw the match. Andrew was of course dissapointed, same as other Australian supporter. Only because the lost was caused by the bad referee decision. Well,... but that's the way it goes. Can't change the score. I still win. :)

Something that Andrew didn't know is how can I get the score right, because I am not into soccer, and I barely know the quality, strength and the chance of winning for each team. Well,.. here's the secret. I heard a long distance interview call with David Beckham on the radio, on the way back from work yesterday evening. He'd been asked on what does he think about the coming Aussie and Italy match. He said it might be 1-0 for Italy!! '-)

I knew I was not a good better, and I have never win a bet before. So I thought I might try Mr Beckham's guess. And it's true! Gosh... good on you, David!

Sayang, you still owe me a massage. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK OK. You win. Massage coming up! But why didn't Mr Beckham say Australia 1 Italy 0 ????