Monday, June 12, 2006

Tired but Happy

A socialising day, that's what I would call today. That was because I was so busy meeting mates and had a good fun with them! In the morning-afternoon, I went to the mall. And as what usually women do, we chated and window shopping, and had meals. Today we also run for a movie.

Initially I and Myrna wanted to watch X-Men3, but Maysie did not like that kind of movie. So we ended up watching The Break-Up. It was actually not bad at all ! Vaughn and Aniston play Gary and Brooke, a modern couple whose relationship breaks down five minutes after the film started. They got into lots of quarrels from the very simple things until it got into very serious. The good thing about this film was it brought up the common problem that any couple can experience. It felt so real. Some dialogs seemed to be familiar, and the character of the Gary and Brooke reminded me to myself and my husband! (but of course we dont have same problem). It's supposed to be a romantic comedy movie, and I did laugh in some way. The two actors actually handle the emotional of the movie very well. And they got me. I could sense how annoyed irritated, and frustated Brook must felt to Gary, and I could be a bit teary at the end as well. I realised it’s really not that funny to break up, it’s painful, in fact. But I The Break-Up is an easy, light, watchable and recommended movie. You might have something to think about for your own relationship.

Not long after I got home, I had to go again. This time I and Andrew went to a small gathering at my classmate's house, Joji. Same girls who went to lunch on Wednesday plus their spouses came along. It was a good crowd, nice people, yummy meals, and beautiful weather. Even my husband enjoyed it.

What a day.... but I really had a good time. Life is getting better and better (i am saying this with BIG smile on my face) :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! That smiley face looks exactly the same as the stress ball you gave me! Happy to see you feel more active and relaxed! :)