Thursday, June 22, 2006


Pheeuuw..... Thank God Its Friday!.... weekend is coming! yay ! :)

Work...... it was ok, it's not too hard, not easy as well. I think I was quick enough to pick up things around there. However, so far I can't say I like the environment. It gave me a sad n misserable feeling. And the colleagues....... hmmm.... they are way too serious and stress! They looked unhappy and grumpy all the time. But luckily, a girl who teach me how to do things was very nice. Kinda fun, and friendly person. In contrast with others. She's cute, very young and relax, adorable, but can be clumsy too. :) Anyway, few people think we are sisters. She is philipino, though. So, yeah, we are asian looked alike :)

The only problem so far was getting up in the morning. Oooh.... sooooo hard!! -
I get use to sleep late and get up late in the last 9 months. I won't be able to close my eyes before 11pm. Most of the time I'll sleep after midnight. Clearly, I'm so not a morning person.

Anyway, I thankful I got this job as a start. Eventhough it's a temporary short term position, but at least its an office job. So, no more complaint! Just try to enjoy and minggle with those 'jutek' people. I realise that I can only get temporary jobs for the time being, due to my resident status. It will be hard, have to adapt with new office, new people, and new environment all the times. But so be it. It'll be hard, but surely will also be exciting! :D

I do miss my classmate....
I missed 2 picnics with them this week. Well,... hope I can catch up with them again soon.

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