Thursday, June 8, 2006

Girls Day Out

As this semester will be finishing soon, some girls in my class were thinking to get together outside the class. Of course I was very excited. Since I moved here, it was only me and my husband. Or in the other time would be me, my husband and his bosses or 'high level' colleagues... which was ok, but they talked about "business" all the time. Was not too fun... (sorry babe... ;p). More than 30 years of my life in Jakarta I was surrounded by families and friends. I used to be busy working during the day and hang out with my mates on our after work and weekends. Killed the time, try to release stress after work by shopping, laughing, gossiping, and talking about unimportant things, or pouring each other heart... kinda miss that moments.

Anyway, it finally happened last Wednesday. We went to lunch at an "all you can eat" restaurant inside the Sky City Casino. It was only 7 of us, though. Indonesian, Thai, Japanese, 2 Chinese, Philippine, and Indian. What an interesing mix ! You can guess which one from which country from
this pictures.

We were all starving when we get there, but seemed only me and Joji who ate a lot. But other girls amazed on how much I could eat, which was a bit embarassing!.... :D Well, we were in all-you-can-eat restaurant, guys... just enjoy, eat slowly and take it easy. You'll get there too! :) Minu brought her son, which was adorable. We managed to chit chat, laugh, eat, and of course took photos. After lunch, some of us who did not feeling going home. Joji had an idea to go to adult shop. haaa....! It would be interesting, i thought! But some girls were afraid and some were refused to go. For me,... it was a brilliant idea! No.. not because I wanted to come there desperately,... but I admitted that I was curious on how's it looks like inside. Hey, we are all adults. Nothing to be ashamed of! So, it was good when Joji burst that idea out. At least I dont have to go there by myself and looks like a weirdo. We can go together and looks like weirdos together. :) Well,... inside the shop was actually very interesting. It had lots of tools and things that you did not even imagine before. Glad I've made it. I did not buy anything, though... Maybe later ;p But Joji bought few small naughty funny things to be given to all girls in the class. :D

We went to have drink in the cafe near the beach before we got home. We had another small relaxing talk, shared experience, ideas, and information. Reminds me to my old days in Jakarta... except this time I have to use English.... I am sure we were all feel good at that time. For me, it was great! What a nice companion,... what a beautiful day, and what an experience (adult shop)! :D

That day, for the first time since we lived together, Andrew came home first.

That day I woke up without knowing that I was going to have my first hang out with my mates in this country :) I am sure this is not the first and the last. I'll make friends, and will hang out lots and lots!

1 comment:

Nencee said...

iya dooong..... :D