Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Baby Boy

It's been a while since I update what's Evan's doing. Well, he is growing well and changed a lot, especially since his 3rd birthday. He developed lots of new skills, mastered the other, and reach some important milestone. These some of them that I can recall :

  • Totally out of dummy
  • Totally out of bottle
  • Sleep the whole night through - this just happened recently, about 3 weeks ago.
  • Can dress himself, and even can buttoned his top by himself!
  • Has on and off afternoon nap, but he is happy to play, not being cranky when he didn't have one. This just happened recently.
  • Fully toilet trained in the house and childcare -since June
  • recently out of nappy during nap time - but still have nappy on during sleep time at night.
  • recently pee like a big boy - standing up ;p
  • he can go to toilet, pull back up his undies and pants, flush, and wash his hand with soap with minimal supervision ;p
  • His speech is getting better since we went to speech therapy in Perth. And recently improved a lot. He can talk in sentence more, eq: I want susu, please. All quite sound and clear.
  • Asking 'WHY' a lot!
  • Has stronger and better hand and finger skills. Recently he helped me putting away dishes from the dryer rack, get his own glass or bowl, help me cooking by peeling the onion, wash vegetables, stir everything that he can stir, tip in flour, sugar, salt etc, putting vegies/meat to the pan, etc !!
  • He also a good helper in putting away / tidy up his toys at the daycare (as reported by Ms Agnes, the director of the daycare), and tidy up his toys at home - if he wants to :)
  • But in the other hand, his socializing skills doesn't improve much. Recently (since we left Perth), he does raspberries/spitting a lot when see other people. I guess he was too shy to talk, and this was his way to greet people! (*gosh). He rarely share toys, sometimes grabbed toys from other kids, or wanted to bring home toys from playgroup. Even though other parents seems to understand his behavior, it made me nervous every time I take him to the playgroup or play date! (*sigh)

Sadly, there's a lot of funny moments of him that I missed to record them on this blog. I regret it so much that I promised to myself to not miss it again next time. Finger cross that I have time and energy from now on.

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