Sunday, January 2, 2011

Recap 2010

Accomplishment and the highlight of year 2010 :

i started crafting again. Learned crochet, made a little amigurumi, and determine to finish the blanket. Still working on it, slowly but surely.

Started watch more movies and read book.
Watched a lot of movies on dvds and sbs tv channel.
Read one book (only!)

has survived all seasons in Perth.
Despite of the bugs for months in winter,
we were officially lived in our new house for one year last october,
and still alive.

Did not travel this year.
Instead, hosted lots of guests since april. Parents, parents in law, liam, sister, and a friend.

Has joined a multicultural women's group and gained bit of more knowledge eventhough i rarey attend the meeting

had finally meet indonesian people live in the neigbourhood. They are many of them!

started to make time just for the two of us. Me and Hubby.
It was just started since November. Hope to become a monthly routine.

Evan started childcare.
Despite all the bugs he gets from the childcare, he also gets a lot of improvement in any skills which I am happy about.

I posted 12 more blogs in 2010 than in 2009

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