Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Have fun with Auntie

Lil' sister has gone back home two weeks ago. There were some boring days.. but most of the days were lots of fun and exciting. Not that she helped me much with the house chores... but certainly helped in other bit and pieces, like taking photos (*grin*).

Evan also had fun with auntie. Last saturday he was still asking for 'titi'. That's how Evan called her: "titi", instead of auntie. :)

Hope she enjoyed her visit and will have opportunity to come back. There are still a lot more to see!

I and Evan are missing her a lot!!

See you again soon in Jakarta, titiii !

1 comment:

cendee said...

cihuiiiii...1 more monthhh...ktemu lagi bapauuuuuuu