Saturday, December 18, 2010

First Santa

Evan had his first Christmas party at his school last week. I was more excited than him, mainly because it was my first school party with Evan! :)

Evan slept in that morning, so did I (of course ;p). We then frantically left the house in a hurry, and yes, I forgot to bring camera. :(

The school was actually in a bit of chaos when I got there. All children age 2-5 were running around in the outdoor area plus their parents/guardian scattered around. I had a little chat with one mum, then couldn't continue the conversation as each other kids' made a little drama. Her boy fell, and Evan pulled my hand. Not long after, we were entertained by a magician. Evan didn't want to sit with the other kids, so I ended up sitting between the kids on the floor whilst Evan sat on my lap (*sigh*). Evan laughed a lot at the magician's silly joke... but he didn't really understand the magic trick yet. However, he loved the balloons trick. It only last for 15 minutes, when then he played with my sandals, then his own sandals, then pulling things from my handbag (*sigh*). And the magician shows last for more than an hour!

When the show had finally over, we enjoyed sausages sizzles in a bread and bun, and cordial, and ice cream. Again, I didn't have a chance to talk to other parents.

Then time for Santa, which was a surprise (I didn't know that Santa will be there). So all the kids gathered and sit in front of Santa, and sit on Santa's lap one by one then receive a present. The room was so full with all kids and parents. I tried hard to make Evan listen and look at the Santa, and sit nicely with other kids. but he didn't care! Whilst other kids sit nicely waiting for their turn, Evan chose to go to his favorite corner which of course he familiar with, and played with toys there. So I waited until few kids had their turn, and until Evan bored with the toys. I was right...after about 10 minutes, he started to look around searching other thing to do. He started to look at Santa who talked to a boy on his lap.

Finally, Evan's turn. He was a bit shy but did not look scared. I said "Santa have balloons. go get them!" So much for a lie (i hate to lie - but sometimes I really have to). When he heard a word 'balloon'.. that's when he finally walked to Santa and wanted to sat on his lap. :)

And here's pictures I took with my hand phone camera.

He then excitedly opened the present right there. It was a book, which he like to have it read before bed now.

We went home soon after that. Exhausted......

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