Friday, July 30, 2010

Tractor Madness

only some from many more

Evan is very in to vehicles lately. Anything from car, motorbike, aeroplane, truck, tractor, train, boat, etc. But the most favourite are trucks, tractors, and train. He even can say 'tata' for tractor/truck/train :) He likes to watch Thomas and friends over and over again, on tv, dvd, youtube, computer, everywhere. He likes to flip any book that have vehicles pictures in it. He would be excited to hear sounds of truck or aeroplane from the distance, and would be excited to see big vehicles on the road. He takes one of his little tractor to go out (to shops, library, everywhere). And he takes some trucks/tractors with him along to bed !

There's a big toy sale recently. I feel like also buy something for him. So many things I wanted to buy for him, but then decided to buy him a big thing, and the choices fell into a big tractor. So here he is happily riding his new tractor. :)

Big Step

Finally,... after long search and deep thinking, we found the childcare. Not a perfect one, but which we feel is the best from the others. Last week the confirmation has been received by family assistant office, and this week the registration form has been submitted to the childcare. The plan is Evan is going to spend the day in the childcare every Tuesday and Thursday start from 10 August. Next week we are going on Tuesday and Thursday for a couple hours introduction and trial.

The weird thing is Evan has been a good boy in the last few days. He became a sweet for the whole day. Made me a bit guilty to send him to 'school' (that's what I told him - that he's going to 'school' every Tuesday and Thursday). Thinking about the comfort habits and rituals we have in daily basis, that it would probably change when he goes to 'school', made me have a slight doubt to send him there, but it might be for his and my own good.

Both need a break from each other, both need to socialise with their kind. :)
I hope Evan's behaviour, social and speech skills will improve. And it would make the settling in the pre-school easily later. I hope I will have a little bit of my own during those time. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, though. I'll think about it later, when I'm sure Evan is happy and settle to stay in 'school' for the whole day.

Now I'm a bit nervous about it. It would be a big step for both of us. Hope everything goes well.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

ambitious project

Hard to believe, lately I actually could do few things that I like, which I abandoned for such a long time. First, I started to read a book again. I currently read Mao's Last Dancer. It's slow reading, but I get there and determined to finish the book this time.

Other thing is I'm back to yarn and wools. After almost 3 years I left behind my knitting passion, I am now in to crochet. I never crochet before, but inspired by my friend's crochet blanket pictures. Later she sent me first kit to learn crochet - a book and a crochet hook from Sydney (thanks An :)). So in late May, I started to teach myself how to crochet with help of a book and lots of sites on the internet. Many long nights after that, because that was the only time I can sit down and concentrate. I am talking about until 1 - 2 am in the morning!

Then early this month the Guru came (my mum in law :) ). She visited us here and stayed for a week. I learnt few things from her. My biggest mistake was I didn't know that crochet terms in UK and US are different. I used US stitches in UK crochet pattern before, so it's all mixed up and the result looked odd. She showed me that the trick of buying wools and how to hold the hook. She should be able to teach me more, but she had to go back home. Of course she made lots of positive and encouragement comments about my crochet, then said practise makes perfect. Then later she always ask me on the phone if I still crocheting (*doh*). During her visit I successfully made an amigurumi doll, and made few squares.

I didn't know what to do next. I thought I should have project to do, but I wasn't sure what it was. I thought about making scarf or beanie, but I thought I don't wear those much even in winter. I thought of making a bag, but I have too much bag already. Thought of making more amigurumi, but I actually don't have patient in crocheting little things. So my choice ended up in making a blanket. I know it's a very ambitious project. It will takes lots of time, energy, and wools! I think it's gonna be a long project. But I, again, determined to finish it.

colourful blanket project

The project will be making a small squares like the above picture then attached it all together to make a blanket. So I will need to make lots of squares, hundreds of them, depends on how big I want the blanket to be. At this stage I want to make at least King Single bed size (around 105 cm x 203 cm). I like to make four colours combination on each squares cause i thought it will not make me easily get bored (i know along the track I might be sick of making the same thing over and over again), as it would fun to choose and match the colour before making each squares. So yes, it would be a colourful blanket. The colour probably will depend on my mood/feeling when I made the squares :)

As for the back up plan, in case I'm sick of making blanket, I might try to make more amigurumi or make scarf for next winter (by that time hopefully Evan will let me wear anything that hang on my neck)

And here is the little amigurumi turtle I made during the Guru's visit :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Gadget boy

This is evan, playing my ipod. Have to teach him to take turn otherwise i would never have a chance to use it. But it's good i got something to keep him occupied for a few minutes. :) is it a phenomena of new generation being very smart in using any gadger and games? Or it is evan who is a smart boy. I guess both are right. Recently we discover he knows n understand almost everything we said and ask him to do. The only problem is he doesnt talk! But he add his vocabulary today : "eesss" ... Meaning: please. :)

One thing that is both good and bad is that he is very cautious with the dirt and mess. He doesn't like to have his hands dirty when eating, he likes to be fed just to avoid the dirt n mess on his hand. When he feels his mouth or nose dirty from food or tears and snots, he would get a tissue. He wipe his face by himself. Or point n wipe his dad or my face if he sees stain on our faces. When he sees dirt or mess on the table or floor, he would notice n point them. Sometimes he would ask for tissue and clean the mess! Not very clean , of course:) but clearly he is aware and annoyed by the mess. I think this is pretty extraordinary. But he probably learn from me! The clean freak in the house:) However, he is still messy with his toys and books and sometimes with the food, which is quite a relief:)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Si Ipin

Introducing si Ipin, my new toy.
It is no doubt fun and addictive. Enough to distract me from reading, blogging, crocheting, and cleaning! Even little Evan got his eye on it all the time. It's quite amazing to see how he use it. He knows how to unlock, find his games folder, and play his games one by one over and over, at his age!
Although i still have to use my multitasking E71 most of the time, mainly because I cant use it peacefully when Evan is around, this new toy has brighten our family's day. So, thank you, mr Bams, for the nice surprising gift. :)