Thursday, January 8, 2009

Teary Playtime Day

Yesterday was a playgroup day. Not many of us, only 4 mothers including me. All of other mothers have 2 year old boy, and so make my baby boy the youngest. The idea is to get together so the kids can play and learn to socialise (as they were too young to be at school and too energetic to be just stay at home), while the mums can have a break from their routine and enjoy the chat and food.

My baby boy is actually can’t play and interact with the other kids much, as he is way too young than the others. However it’s good for him to get out the house once a while and see other people. He doesn’t like stranger, but it gets better since our new year holiday. Today he had lots of smile and enjoy playing with new toys.

One of us is actually new. I met the mother first at lunch with the ladies few months ago, and invited her to join us as soon as I know that she has 2 year old boy at home. We have the playgroup at her house this time. What I didn’t know is that the boy is super hyperactive. In contrary with the other boys who were quite timid. They could scream, laugh and play in a normal way. But I found the new boy is outrageously aggressive and active beyond control. He would grab toys that other boy holds. He wouldn’t let other boys play with his toys. Then suddenly he could change into a good boy when he asked other boys to play with him. But not long after the other boys would cried, and I saw the new boy hit the other boy or forcedly grabbed toys from his friends. Once I saw the new boy hit the other boy’s head with a toy-car. Then hit again with a big spoon. The other time hit with his hands many times when the other boys cornered on the sofa! Not that his mum did anything. She gave a strong voice to him to behave and once put him at the corner and smack him. But seemed he didn’t listen. The only time he cried was when his mum punished him and put him at the corner for ‘time-out’.

I’m glad he left my baby boy alone, and quite surprise that he let Evan played with his toys. He only disturb Evan when he was sleeping in his stroller, so Evan only have 45 minutes morning nap. Anyway, it was a bit scary to see a boy like that. I just only hope that I can raise Evan well so he can behave, not violent, but also can defense himself when needed. Aah.. what a hard task...!

Heard that the other boy were crying when he sleep the night after playgroup day. Seemed it was a bit traumatic for him. However his mum is willing to meet the boys again with hope that her son will learn to defense himself, and the naughty boy will learn to behave. We'll see what's going to happen. (10 Jan)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wait till he goes to school..bullying is really happens,that's why i put my son in some martial arts exercise since 6yo & now his rank is green,and i choose aikido,for me aikido is teaching patient,not to aggressive like karate or taekwondo,80% of the technique is defense,but when it is necessary..the lock technique can be harmful, just like steven seagal... you can search on youtube..-bams-