Monday, January 26, 2009

cruising along

My baby boy is now 9 month-old. Gee.. time flies. Nine is a big number, when things are switch around again. Diet, routines, timetable, attitude, habits, you name it. Feels like I start all over again. I found out that the thoughts about getting older means getting easier to take care of is truly wrong. Well, in some ways are easier but most of the other ways are more complicated and tiring! Especially for me who have to watch him 24/7 alone - most of the time.

Anyhoo, last month was fun and hectic. It was when Evan turned 8 month-old and when he had his first Christmas and new year, when we had first holiday together, and most importantly, it's when he started to cruise along the floor and furniture.

From all the skills and improvement he had last month, the highlight was that he was finally out of our room and sleep in his own room night and day. :)

He started to eat fruits mix with cereal which he loves and started to eat biscuits as snacks about late last month. It calm him down for a few minutes, which give me time to do things peacefully.

As he mastered sitting on the 7th month, last month he mastered crawling. He also started to pull himself up to a standing position while holding onto furniture as support. At the end of last month he could stand up easily with support of things surround him. However didn't know how to get back down. He would tumble his butt down. Thanks to pampers, his butt is fine even though he bumped it to the hard stone floor. This newfound mobility means that he was entering the land of bumps and falls, which forced me to watch him very closely every minute when he was awake. Though he bumped his head to the wall and floor couple of times. However, I enjoyed watching him explore his surroundings and pull him up if he was getting too far, such as reach my sandals and start to chew them. :)

He had one tooth emerged from his top gum and started to make babbly sound, likes "bababa", "mamama", and "bububu". A new show on TV made him sit quietly, it called Danny and Daddy. Baby is such a strange creature. I don't know what he sees in that show, but he will sit and watch with serious look, just for 10 minutes, that's how long the show is. I wish it goes longer. :)

The holiday to aqaba was new to Evan, and challenging for us. We planned to have another holiday in April, it will be more challenging as we might need to fly, and Evan would be almost 1 year old by then.

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