Friday, September 12, 2008

The Baby and I

This little boy turns 5 month old today. Where's the time flies?! Well, I know exactly where and when it flies, as days sometimes went so slow for me. What sort of day I normally have? Hard to tell. They are full of up and down. There are days when the baby is sweet, easy, and happy, but there are difficult days when he cry and cry, screaming and kicking, doesn't want to sleep and want to be carried around all day.

Can say my lifestyle has changed drastically. It wasn't easy to adjust. There were times I got so stress and frustrated. It took around 4 months to get used to this new lifestyle. I'm now understand that I can't be so mobile as before. I can't go to meet different groups and spend unlimited time with them. I can't go to malls and supermarket whenever I want anymore. When I'm in malls or supermarket I can't just stroll away and spend time as long as I want. I have to be quick quick quick. Only go to necessary shops, and not to waste so much time thinking what to buy, or not to waste time to bargain away. Sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee at a cafe is out of my dictionary now, at least at this stage. However I think I adjust quite well now. As the baby growing and I get my health better, I enjoy motherhood better too.

Thankfully I can have part-time maid here, so at least someone can do the hard work cleaning this big house. It would be perfect if my maid can also be a nanny, so I can leave the baby with her when I do my own thing outside the house sometimes. But the baby didn't get along well with her. I don't think I need a full time nanny since I don't work. I wish i had part-time nanny so at least I can do my things during weekdays like to go to pilates or beading class again. Talking about having my own time, hubby is so understanding giving me time to do my own things on weekend when he can be at home taking care the baby. I can use one day on weekend for few hours to go to malls, meet up some friends, or have pedicure or Thai massage on that occasions. Thai massage was great, btw. ;) However sometimes I prefer to be just spend my weekend with my two boys.

So here I am taking care the baby everyday (Hubby of course helps when he is at home), from A to Z, from feeding, bathing, changing nappy, putting him to bed, to playing and entertaining. A friend said that I am lucky to be a full time mum. I know now that he is right. I have privilege to witness him grow and develop day by day. I might be too attach to him now, so I don't think I have a heart to leave the baby with a nanny! Or maybe he will refuse to be taken care by anyone else but me or hubby, which will be a Big problem. Anyhow I am too tired to think of anything to avoid that problem.

Talking about the baby,... he is growing well. He must be about 8 kg and more than 70 cm tall now. He is more aware of and responsive to new things, active, and probably very active! Smile and laugh a lot, but cry a lot too sometimes. Everyday is a challenge. He often change his habits or suddenly gain new skills. I have to be fully alert and aware so I can keep up!

Last month was also when he started to have routine. It's not always the same, but in average his schedule is like this:

- 7 am = awake, play in the cot until I finish shower
- 8 am = watch TV, (while I have breakfast)
- 9 am = bath
- 10 am = nap
- 11 am = play or watch TV
- 12 pm = feeding - milk, then play
- 2 pm = nap
- 3 pm = play
- 4 pm = feeding - rice cereal, then strolling in or out the house
- 5 pm = bath
- 5.30 = feeding - milk
- 6 pm = sleep
- 3 am = feeding - milk, then back to sleep

I try to talk Indonesian as much as I could, even sing Indonesian children songs. With hope he will be bilingual. As I read and sing him some English songs too, I just realise that I've learnt more than 20 English children song in the last 2 months. From all songs, I Love You, You Love Me (theme song from Barney TV Show) and Burung Kakak Tua was his favorite songs, kind of songs that can calm him down, distract him from whatever he was doing, stop him from crying, and put him to sleep. But recently he switch Burung Kakak Tua to Cicak Cicak di Dinding! :D

Hubby and I surprised that he understands Ciluk-Ba better than Peek-A Boo. :) He will smile happily whenever he hear word Ciluk-Ba. I guess this make this become his fav game.

I'm glad that our TV subscription has lots of kids channel. I usually tune in Disney and Jim Jam channel. But only Jim Jam has all shows suits to babies. It has Barney, Thomas and Friends, Bob the Builders, Pingu, Igloo-gloo, etc. Alas, there is no pocoyo anywhere. I don't know if this is normal, but my baby has already aware of the existence of TV since he was 2 month old. And now he will giggle and move his hand and feet frantically everytime he watch Barney. His head will look for the TV whenever he hear the theme song of Thomas and Friends and Bob the Builders. Pingu also become his favorite lately.

In detail here is what my baby gained and developed last month.

His stomach has grown bigger so he doesn't need to feed so often. He had four or five bottles of milk a day. Few weeks ago he gained a new talent which was rolling over. He lifts his head and shoulders high, using his arms for support when lay on his tummy. He started to roll over from his back to his front, or vice versa. Although sometimes this upset him because he have to use his hand to support his body when at the same time he want to put things on his hand to his mouth. The other exciting thing was that he started to eat rice cereal, just once a day. Doctor worried he will not like it or will have difficulty swallowing as eating with spoon is different than sucking the milk from a teat. But the fact was he didn't have any difficulty at all. He was just enjoy it, excited, and cried as we didn't put the spoon in his mouth quick enough, and even cried to have some more!

He also now able to reach out and grab things, everything, including my hair! Once he wraps his hands around something, he'll study it then put it straight into his mouth. He always excited to see flying objects, such as musical mobile, but everything flying on top of him will make he madly excited. He also can play with his own hands and feet. So cute. One day I realise it's strangely quiet in the bedroom. So I look in, only to discover that he was amusing himself by playing with his toes. He was also wanted to be propped up or held in a sitting position. His back and neck get stronger when then one day I found him sitting without back support on his rocking chair!

I noticed he got more selective about people and surrounding. He used to smile and friendly to everyone he met, and now began to be choosy. We went out to dinner with friends few times just to find him over tired as he was too excited to see new things and couldn't sleep. When a stranger picked him up, he will look, then think, then pout, then cried! (*sigh*)

I am now excited to know what talent he will gain, what surprise he will give, and how big he will grow this month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe you can starting to write a book about baby's growth... -bams-