Monday, January 21, 2008

First Bub Shopping

Never had headache this bad when shopping before! Not that I shop for myself, which would be much easier. But this time we are starting to look and shop for the bub. According to my custom, I'm not suppose do a baby shop until next month when my pregnancy reach month seven. But I'm so excited and can't wait to start to look, and the seventh months will not far away anyway. Other reasonable reason is that Winter Sales season has started, and won't last long. When everything is so expensive and we need every single things the baby needs, the sales would be advantegous.

Shopping... it sounds easy. But it's not! For the first mum to be like me, enter to a baby shop is new experience. It was overwhelming. So many products with different types, styles, brands, and qualities. I didn't know where to start. Didn't know what I really need and what to choose.

After looking around from mall to mall and from local shop to local shop with Andrew and with the help of my female friend who has 2 kids (assumes she has experience), I started to have a picture and ideas. I and Andrew started to make a list. We decided to concentrate to get things that is now on sale and the other things can wait.

So I did. Last Thursday, was my first shopping for my bub. I started from what I thought would be the easiest one, which was clothing. But it's not as easy as I thought. I've been warned to not buy too many clothing as the baby will grow fast. But everything look so cute! So here is what I bought that day. There would be more things to buy, from other stores, soon in the next few weeks, before the sale finish. ;p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonn,,,

cute2 yah baju2nya, mana tahan ngga dibeli hehe..wah udah mulai sibuk shopping utk si kecil nih..btw bentar lagi 7 bulanan ada acara rujakan gak?hehe...
