Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bamboo Mambo

Ada taneman baru di dalem rumah. Gak jelas taneman apa, tapi yang punya toko nyebutnya bambu. Yang berulir-ulir gini kalo gak salah namanya love bamboo.

Sebenernya sih gak sengaja, kebetulan aja nemu vas gede lagi sale. Ke toko bunga, cari yang cocok, kebetulan juga nemu taneman ini yang tampangnya unik, tinggi, tahan lama, dan gak perlu banyak perawatan. Tinggal di jogrokin aja di vas dan diganti air tiap minggu.
Ternyata taneman ini juga masih tergolong salah satu lucky bamboos. Menurut feng shui taneman bambu simbol keberuntungan dan kesuksesan karena bambu tumbuh cepat dan kuat. Punya taneman bambu di rumah dipercaya bisa meningkatkan energi di dalam rumah, memberikan penghuni rumah energi tambahan buat menghadapi hari-hari dalam kehidupan mereka. Juga dipercaya membawa keberuntungan pada rumah, bisnis, dan orang-orang yang dicintai. Sifat bambu yang mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan cuaca, dan dapat bertahan lama, menjadi simbol dari kemampuan untuk maju terus dan beradaptasi dengan perubahan dalam hidup. Tanaman bambu yang disimpan di dalam rumah dan kantor akan membantu pertumbuhan dalam segala aspek dalam kehidupan. Tanaman ini juga melindungi penghuni rumah dari 'unforseen force'.

Hmmm...gak tau bener apa nggak, tapi mudah-mudahan bener deh. Yang pasti sih it's nice to see green fresh thing in the house.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Promised Land

Top of the mountain where I can see Dead Sea in the distance (left side)

"Go up unto...Mount Nebo in Moab, across from Jericho, and view Canaan, the land
I am giving the Israelites as their own possession. There on the mountain that
you have climbed you will die."
- Deuteronomy 32:49-50 -

And there was I standing on that mountain. A biblican place full of history, one of the important pilgrimage site located in Jordan. On this mountain is where Moses is said to have seen the Promised Land, a land he was himself forbidden to enter. He died at aged 120 and was later buried in the area, but the exact location of the burial site is unknown.

Enough about the history, the complex itself is a sanctuary completed with museum, some stone marks, old church, old ancient mozaics, a hugh artistic monument inspired by bronze snake upon a pole used by Moses, and shaded with some pine and olive trees .

I couldn't believe that we were supposed to be able to view Dead Sea, Jericho, Jordan River and Jerusalem (which is in Israel - different country!) on a clear day. Unfortunatelly it was a bit hazy when we were there, I could only see the Dead Sea vaguely in the distance.

This plaque is a direction finder points that shows various locations throughout the region.

I never seen a bus full of group tour in town, but there were few of them there up in that mountain. Every group accompanied with tour leader who were busy explaining the history of the place. I couldn't understand a thing, as they spoke no English. Not sure, but they might be Italian, Greek, Japanese, or Korean, and Philipino. But out of the blue, I heard someone said "Ini loh tempatnya Musa....",.. "panas ya, mustinya bawa payung", "jangan cepet-cepet!", "ayo-ayo foto disini"...... a group of people who are definitely from Indonesia!. :D They were just practically walked past us, and ignored us. I and hubby could only smile and look at each other, amaze to see a bunch of people talking Bahasa. ;p

After about 2 hours wondering around and took pictures, we headed back. On the way back we dropped by to a mozaic and souvenir shop full of tourist. Lots of nice things there, i felt like I shopping! Best thing was that we got half price discount on everything in the shop as we are residence of Amman. So I knew that they charge tourist double price! What a pricey...
As we have to go through a town called Madaba, we did a bit of exploration there. We went to St George's Church, where we saw interesting mozaics. We were tried to see other recommended church, but it was closed, and I started to get tired from long walk,...we were then drove back home, which only took us about 45 minutes.

Nice day, good to be out and about again. Check out more pictures

Monday, September 17, 2007

Menikmati Film Indonesia

Dua bulan terakhir ini saya menyempatkan diri nonton beberapa film Indonesia. Maklum, saya sempet bawa beberapa vcd film Indonesia dari hasil pulang kampung bulan Maret kemarin. Sebagian lagi hasil dari pinjam meminjam dari seorang Indonesia yang lain yang tinggal di kota ini.
Ada empat film yang berhasil saya tonton dalam dua bulan terakhir ini. Menarik. Ada yang 'sinetron banget', ada yang kaku, ada yang norak, ada yang cukup bagus, ada yang menyentuh, dan hampir semuanya gak masuk diakal.

Tapi saya gak peduli, saya menikmati semuanya. Saya menikmati kenorakan dan kekakuan bintang-bintangnya, gak garuk-garuk karpet lantaran gemes karena ketidakmasuk akalannya, menikmati salah satu film yang diproduseri Mr. Punjabi yang dibintangi bintang-bintang sinetron remaja papan atas yang lebih mirip sinetron daripada film layar lebar. Menikmati tiap adegan, setting dan permainan kameranya, menikmati bahasanya yang kacau, juga menikmati film yang harusnya menyeramkan tapi malah bikin saya senyum-senyum. Menikmati musiknya, dan menikmati cerita dan akting di salah satu film yang bisa membuat saya menitikan air mata.

Sedikit intermezzo, suatu hari hubby pulang pada saat saya masih menonton salah satu adegan dimana banyak remaja-remaja berpesta di suatu acara pantai. Ceritanya si tokoh utama dicekoki minuman keras sampai mabuk di lantai dansa. Hubby dengan polosnya bertanya,... "Itu cewek kenapa? mabuk? dia keliatan aneh" ;p Saya cuma senyum-senyum, sedikit malu, menjawab 'iya'.

Kembali ke perbincangan semula, biar bagaimanapun saya menikmati tiap detik dari tiap film tersebut. Mungkin karena sudah lama saya tidak melihat tontonan dalam bahasa Indonesia, mungkin karena setiap film unik, membuat saya gak peduli, dan yang pasti membuat saya kangen tanah air.

Tapi teteep,... ada satu hal yang saya harus akui cukup mengganjal. Setelah film ke-tiga saya mulai menyadari satu adegan yang tidak perlu yang cukup janggal yang ada di setiap film yang saya tonton. Adegan tersebut adalah adegan di bawah guyuran hujan. Ya, adegan itu. Sepasang sejoli berhujan-hujanan di bawah guyuran hujan deras, entah dalam situasi senang atau sedang dalam konflik. Entah sambil berlari-larian, sambil berpelukan, sambil marah-marah, atau cuma diam bengong meratapi nasib di bawah guyuran hujan buatan. Sebelum saya memutar film ke-empat saya berharap untuk tidak menemukan adegan ini. Tapi percuma aja. :)

Entah kenapa, sepasang kekasih dan hujan selalu ada dalam hampir tiap adegan di film Indonesia. At least ada dalam semua film yang baru aja saya tonton. Supaya lebih dramatis? Mungkin mau menunjukkan di Indonesia gampang turun hujan? Supaya si artis bisa lebih meresapi peran dan perasaannya? Please deeh....emang perlu banget ya??

Masih ada beberapa vcd lagi yang belum saya tonton. Akan menjadi kejutan manis kalo diantaranya ada yang 'kering' - bebas hujan.

Ini daftar film yang saya baru perbincangkan di atas plus rating.

1. Badai Pasti Berlalu (**)
2. Mirror (***)
3. Buruan Cium Gue (*)
4. Heart (****)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How's Live?

Chatted with a friend in Sydney this morning. She asked me how is it like living in the middle east and whether I like living here, and whether it feels like home.

Hhmmmm.. what can I say?
This country located in the other part of the world, with its differences and unique from other country. The weather, believe it or not it has 4 seasons. We are going into autumn and will reach winter soon. Yes there is winter here. With snow! As much as I want to see snow, I'm not sure if I'd like the cold. The food, also different. Hard to explain. I might need to take pictures of them to show you. Less pollution, no motorbikes, and not too many buses. Some of places are modern and clean. It has some good malls and supermaket, and I did meet some nice, friendly, and welcome local people.

But in some ways this country does remind me to Indonesia/Jakarta, where majority of people are moslem, how people drive, how people just can not line up, how boys/men stare at women passing by, and how people smoke. This might contribute a sense of feel like home, in which it means I wasn't so surprise, less cultural shock, and able to adapt to the new environment easily.
Some of foreign friends who usually live in western countries have trouble in adapting some of local habits here. Many of my girl friends can't stand how men stare, honk their car, follow them, make comment, or try to make silly conversation. One of my friend really annoyed and hardly get over it. She thinks it's serious harassment to women. Other friends can't stand how people drive. They don't indicate, park or stop in the middle of the road, don't give away in the place they suppose to give away, and honk a lot. Other friends complains about how people don't line up or stand very close when queue in public places like bank, ATM, and other customer service places. Other friends sigh when there isn't any 'Thank You' words came from the mouth of cashier in shops after they made payment. The foreign couple from Canada who used to live in Jakarta love Jakarta better as people are more friendly, welcomed, helpful, and respectful. They even love Jakarta traffic better! I could say at some stage here is worse than Jakarta.

I have recently started to drive and get used to the left side road and traffic. For me, as far as I have internet and phone connection, know where to get my stuff, more mobile and get to get around by myself, make friends, have some friends to talk and have coffee with, and just enjoy whatever you do, that's enough. In fact I haven't feel bored since I came here. So I guess so far I adjust quite well, but still, far from feel like home.

Back to the local people habits, I recommended you to see
this to see that I was not exaggerating . This was posted in 2005, and hasn't been changed much.....

== Dear Olin, thanks for the inspiration ;p==

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Morning Surprise

I woke up this morning and surprised with what I saw outside. Clouds! It was cloudy and no bright sun! Where did the sun go?? It almost looked like it was going to rain. Does it mean summer is going to end soon? Oooh... noo... it's going to be freeeezziiing cold!

Layout Change

New layout!

No particular reason. Just bored with the old one and found this template. No particular reason as to why I chose this template either. I like the balloon, that's all.

Also I found out that I've entered into a next step in my life. I'll tell the details later. But for that reason I'm now feel a need of refreshment, a change, like changing the layout of my own blog.

Not a very great layout, but pretty happy with it and this will do for a change I needed now. I have to get use to the fact of sidebar is now on the left side, though. I might change my mind and returned to the old layout. ;p

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

One Fine Evening

Conversation of 3 women in a fancy cafe

A = Are you just recently married ?
Me = Errm,... not really, I got married in 2005.
M = OMG, I got married 10 years before you, in 1995.
A = And I was in 1985!

Hmmm... a bit weird.....

and I suddenly felt young. ;p

Experience Damascus

coffee/tea seller in Al-Hamadieh Soukh

I'm not sure how, but I got quite busy lately. Since I got back from Damascus, I had to attend so many appointments, helped a friend moving out and attended so many lunches. Not only that. Hubby was sick, and I've been not feeling well too. Fatigue. feel tired, feel like want to sleep all day, and almost everyday have new things to complain about.

You might be waiting story about Damascus. I might not have many words to tell about Damascus and its tourism site, as I didn't go to any tourism site such as mosques or museums even though I stayed for 5 days. Partly because hubby was there for work, so I had to explore the city by myself in the afternoon. So mainly I just enjoyed the hotel and looked around and shopped a bit. I gave up exploring the city at the 3rd day, I felt so tired from 3 days full walk, and it was very hot (40-42C in the afternoon). I spent the last 2 days in the hotel, enjoyed the pool and spa, or just sit by the pool and read, and have room service. Very nice treat.

Damascus, Syria, was a busy and alive city, very different than Amman. That's strange, considering it’s only take about 3 hours drive from Amman. It totally a different city. It packed with people (population might be triple than Amman), and of course heaps of vehicles, and more pollution. Houses, apartments and buildings closed to each other, narrow streets, little alley, and traffic jam everywhere. But I supposed nothing can compare to Jakarta if we’re talking about traffic. It has a lot of cafe and restaurant. I could see a lot of green such as parks around the city or farms out of town. Also lots of old maintained building. They use it as residences or shops, or restaurant. Local people are very more friendly and relax. They don't care what skin colour you have and will not hesitate to offer you tea or coffee in their shop. I felt more relax and safe to walk around and shop by myself.

The unique place to visit is of course the soukh (market). Unique because it sells most of fine middle eastern antiques, furniture, ornaments, linen, and jewellery. It located in a very old area with lots of old building, places that you never imagine. It huge and crowded, and dirty. Reminded me to Jakarta Kota and Pasar Baru. Shopping is good. Lots of nice thing to buy, you can go crazy. But you have to know good shop and bargain to get best price. The antiques of course not cheap, but lot more cheaper than in Australia. For me, Indonesian furniture and etnic ornament's price are still more reasonable.

Slightly out of the topic, of course I and Andrew as a foreigner were excited to see everything in the soukh. The place itself, the people, the shops, building, what they sell, etc were all new and interesting. But not for Ms M, the local from Amman who is hubby's staff who came along for work. She is still very young, maybe in her mid twenties. I could tell that she didn't have any interest at all in everything in the market. All the amazing furnitures and paintings, fine and unique table clothes, walk around crowded dirty streets, all seemed too boring for her. I'm sure she is more interested in malls and all modern clothing shops. Reminded me to myself back in Indonesia. Since when I was interested in indonesian traditional dance, batik, songket, wood craft, wayang, etc? Maybe only since I met my hubby. I remember when I was a little, I always get bored if we (I and parents) went to the Indonesian handicraft section in Sarinah. I always say no if my mum wanted to buy me batik clothing, I learned ballet dance instead of Bali dance, and switched the channel if it showed traditional dance or wayang. It's funny that now I appreciate them more. Seeing foreigner amazed with our culture and tradition made me proud of my country. I think at the moment that's the only thing that Indonesia can be proud of. Anyway, Ms M was excited when I told her that there are more modern shops like Kookai, Benetton, GAP, etc not far from the hotel. She went to the a mall (which she found not impressing) and walked around modern shops the next day, while I and Andrew went back few times to the soukh. She may appreciate middle east handicraft and antiques later when she is older. :)

The other interesting thing was driving. There was no speed limit. On the highway you are welcome to speed 100-200 km/hour. The scenery out of town wasn't so appealing at all. But we found some un-common things on the way, which we captured on the camera. We had to go through immigration and customs in both Jordanian and Syrian borders. Although it only take about 2 hours to reach Syrian border, but it takes about 1 hour to process everything in both borders. We had to go through all the 'important' immigration and customs process, including registering and apply for insurance for our car. That's when I learned that people here are also doesn't have enough patient and attitude in taking line/queue. I may say it worst than Indo. ;p I might still laugh of their rude attitude, as such attitude didn't surprise me. But no for my hubby. He thinks it's totally unacceptable and the most annoying attitude, ever.

Damascus photos are now available. See in "Picture Of My Life" list at the right side bar, or simply click here. You need to click the little image to see bigger and clearer image.