Monday, July 30, 2007

First Bake

Another update of my recent cooking experience, which has been become more creative and authentic. All made from scratch, involved little bit war in the kitchen, but no pain this time.
I was surprised of myself as the result was not too bad at all. Very tasty and yummy (of course that's whay Hubby said, .... but it's true! ;p). I even got the highest rank I've ever had for the Ayam Goreng Kecap/Fried Chicken with Soy Souce dish, which was 9 out of 10! (ranked by hubby too, of course). That's perhaps motivate me to do my first baking dish later on, Makaroni Schotel/Baked Macaroni, which is delicimo too. :)

Ayam Goreng Kecap

Baked Macaroni (Macaroni Schotel)
first time baking in oven!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Something I Missed From May

It was 13th of May last year,
when I firstly start this blog
just for fun.
didn't think I will go this far
didn't think I'm going to write this much
didn't think I'm going to post this much
didn't think I'm going to have so much fun
a bit too much so I didn't realised a year has passed
This might be a little bit too late
but I'm proud to say
happy 1st anniversary to my own blog ;p

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


As far as I don't like cooking, I'm surprise to find myself enjoying it (sometimes) lately. Maybe because we have such a fancy kitchen, maybe because I don't work, maybe because I started to get use to all the pain (*grin*).

Followed to my cooking attempt, trial and error last year and recent cooking incident, here is an update of few meals that I made since I've been here.

  • It's hard to get ingredients and cooking spices for Asian/Indo dishes. So for the start I have to use spices in ready package. It turned out ok, it's practical, and better than not cook at all. (*grin*)

  • These are only few meals that I took the picture when I remember. I cooked lot more.

Tom Kha Gai

Beef Rendang

But I also made few meals from the scratch. With all original spices, and with sweat and pain (*grin*) like this ones:

Nasi Goreng

Sweet and Sour Chicken
made it from scratch. Pretty proud with myself for this one

and of course, Perkedel Kentang (Potato Cake)

They might not look too good, but it taste good! At least hubby likes them and always finish them all. No complaint, no stomach ache, no critics. :D
So, what do you think? Do you think I'm improved ???

Morning Has Broken

After not being able to sleep until 3am last night, sleep-in was what I need this morning. But unfortunately I couldn't. A very annoying-noisy noise woke me up at about 8am. So loud that I couldn't go back to sleep and had to get up. Hhhhh....

Found out that the noise came from the apartment building about 3 blocks away from my apartment. An empty land at the back of my apartment made clear and loud sound went straight to my bedroom.

Here is what happened, taken from my bedroom window.

Yep, bunch of men were cleaning apartment building's wall. They certainly did a good job, in cleaning the building (the wall looks white rather than brown now), but they also has successfully ruined my morning.

Anyhoo, interesting to see how they do it. That's why I took the pic.

Monday, July 23, 2007

What Has Happened

Here is what has happened in the past few days

Unpack our stuff (of course!), which packed in 71 boxes, weight more than 1400 kg.

Taking out things from the boxes are easy. It finished in 3 days. But arranging and tidy things up around the house, that does took more than a week.

House is more like a house now. No more echoes because of empty big space. All drawers and cabinet filled. I’m surrounded by things that familiar to me. Even the smell of the house changed. Smell like our house.

Found a scale from one of the boxes. Found out I put on weight. 2 kg. (oops!). Exercise! I need exercise!

Had gain another bad habit. Lucky if I can sleep before 2am. Then I’ll get up very late and feel tired the whole morning. Will feel better and have more energy around 5pm onwards, and less and less dream! I found this very very strange.

Had enjoyed a few drinks since I've been here but no allergy reaction. Yay! But I drank the most poisoned cocktail I've ever had last week, one glass of vodka with mix fruit juice. Not only it calm me down (very strangely too “calm”) (*grin*), but also gave itchiness for a week. The worst I've ever had!

Attended the weirdest wedding I've ever been to. For the start, reception started at 8.30pm (which make me eat something before we go) Women guest placed in different room with men guest. Then the meal didn’t come out until 11.30pm (glad I’m smart enough to have noodles before we go). Few big round tables and chairs, big video screen screening what the couple’s doing before and at the reception, a decorated stage for bride, cheerful and romantic music with a blast sound system, and dance floor in women’s room. Only tables and chairs in men’s room, but they got appetiser first. The strangest thing was that men’s guest can’t see the bride! What’s the point to go to a wedding if you can’t see the bride and groom? But apart from all odd, we are glad we were invited. I was lucky enough to be in women’s room as I could see both bride and groom. The Bride was beautiful and gloomed. The Groom looked happy. They danced on the dance floor so romantically, like they were the only people in the world, whilst guest and cameramen were busy taking pictures and video. They looked very relax, happy, and in love! I’ve never seen anything like that in a wedding party. I almost burst in tears! We wished them a happy new life together.

Had been hearing lots of ‘local’ top-40 music. I think my brain and ears have finally agreed to accept peculiar melody, beat, music, and language local music have. Simply to say that I didn’t have headache anymore when I hear them and I started humming some of local songs now. ;p

Had abandoned Peter Carey’s “My Life As A Fake”. I think I’ll give it a break and shift to Harry Potter, since Harry Potter season is here. New movie and new book just came out. Harry Potter is everywhere. It reminded me that I haven’t read the last book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Good time to be back to reading routine.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Will It Be A Lazy Day?

Have you ever feel so lazy to do everything??

So lazy for even getting up from bed ?
So lazy for having shower ?
So lazy to make coffee and breakfast ?

When I thought today is gonna be lazy and dull day,
I just got a call, telling me that our stuff is coming this evening...


I suddenly filled up with excitement. Bright smile on all over my face. :D

Can't wait.

Monday, July 9, 2007

7 Keajaiban Dunia (Baru)

Main article: New Seven Wonders of the World

Two "New Seven Wonders" lists have been promoted since

In 2001 an initiative was started by Swiss corporation New Open
World Corporation (NOWC) to choose the New Seven Wonders of the World from a
selection of 200 existing monuments for profit. Twenty-one finalists were
announced January 1, 2006. The results were announced on July 7, 2007 and are:

Great Wall of China, China
Petra, Jordan
Christ the Redeemer (statue), Brazil
Machu Picchu, Peru
Chichen Itza, Mexico
Colosseum, Italy
Taj Mahal, India
Great Pyramid, Egypt [Honorary Candidate]


Saya jadi bertanya-tanya. Mana Candi Borobudur? Bukankah Borobudur termasuk salah satu dari 7 Keajaiban Dunia juga? Itu yang saya dengar dan pelajari waktu kecil.

Tapi, setelah selidik sekilas di dunia google,... gak ada informasi yang mengatakan kalau Borobudur termasuk dari 7 Keajaiban Dunia. Candi Borobudur gak pernah termasuk dalam daftar dari 7 keajaiban dunia!! Borobudur cuma masuk di daftar “The Forgotten Wonders di situs
Juga Borobudur diakui sebagai salah satu dari daftar warisan dunia (World Heritage List/WHL) oleh UNESCO Nomor 592 Tahun 1991.

Lalu kemarin, telah dikeluarkan daftar 7 Keajaiban Dunia Baru. Daftar ini berawal dari sebuah yayasan di luar negeri yang mengampanyekan program New Seven Wonders of the World. Dipelopori oleh petualang asal Swiss, Bernard Weber, pemilihan tujuh keajaiban dunia versi baru ini dimulai dari tahun 1999, melibatkan 20 juta orang di dunia dengan sistem jajak pendapat melalui internet dan telepon. Pemilihan nominasi dilakukan secara bertahap. Pada awalnya telah masuk 200 unggulan dari berbagai negara, yang selanjutnya diperas secara bertahap hingga menjadi 21. Konon, sejak babak awal seleksi, dari 200 usul menjadi 70 unggulan, Candi Borobudur, tidak termasuk sebagai finalis. Sedangkan Opera House Sydney dan Patung Liberty masuk dalam daftar. C'mon.... how silly was that ??!! Gak tau siapa yang salah, si pak Weber yang kuper dan bukan petualang sejati, ato instansi terkait tertentu di Indonesia yang gak tanggap dan cekatan.

Ada berbagai kelemahan dari program ini:

  • Pemilihan ini tidak diakui oleh lembaga internasional seperti UNESCO dan dianggap sebagai proyek pribadi Pak Webber.
  • Negara berkembang seperti Indonesia yang kurang akrab dengan internet dan telepon kurang bisa mensosialisikan pemilihan ini.
  • Kriteria pemilihan tidak jelas, cuma berdasarkan selera pemilih. obyektivitasnya diragukan
  • Jajak pendapat yang menggunakan internet dan telepon juga akan membatasi responden pada kalangan tertentu yang akrab dengan internet maupun telepon internasional saja.
  • Sistem pemilihan sama kayak pemilihan bintang idola televisi
  • Pemenang adalah yang bisa mengumpulkan dukungan dengan berbagai cara, belum tentu yang terbaik.
Walaupun demikian, hanya sebagian kecil (salah satunya mungkin saya) yang menyadari hal diatas. Daftar 7 Keajaiban Dunia Baru telah disebarluaskan, mendunia, dan cukup sensasional. Siapa yang akan peduli sama kenyataan diatas? Siapa yang akan peduli sama sejarah pemilihan daftar baru tersebut? Daftar baru sudah di keluar dan di sebarluaskan. Tentu saja akan menguntungkan negara-negara yang tercantum dalam daftar baru tersebut, terutama untuk meningkatkan popularitas dan tujuan pariwisata, dan meningkatkan pendapatan negara.

Contohnya adalah tempat dimana saya tinggal sekarang, masyarakat merayakan hasil jajak pendapat tersebut dengan kembang api dan keramaian di tengah kota semalam suntuk. Tentu saja setelah sebelumnya rakyat didorong untuk berpatisipasi dalam jajak pendapat ini. Dimana-mana di pasang slogan "Vote for Petra". (Untuk catatan, Petra memang pantas untuk dinobatkan jadi salah satu keajaiban dunia)

Kembali ke Candi Borobudur. Berdasarkan fakta diatas memang tidak seharusnya menjadi masalah kalau Borobudur tidak termasuk dalam daftar diatas. Tetapi, apa salahnya kalau bisa masuk dalam daftar tersebut atau setidak-tidaknya termasuk dalam finalis? Bukankah akan menambah kepopuleran, kebanggaan, dan pendapatan bangsa? Kenyataan bahwa candi ini bahkan tidak termasuk dalam daftar finalis, sangat mengecewakan. Beberapa orang asing yang saya kenal bahkan sangat menyayangkan hal ini. Pertanyaannya adalah: Mengapa?? Kurang tua? Kurang otentik? Kurang ajaib? atau kurang terkenal?

Kenyataan bahwa Borobudur masih termasuk dalam daftar WHL dimana kriteria WHL sangat jelas dan melalui proses penilaian yang panjang, serta dimonitor secara terus-menerus sebenarnya cukup membanggakan. Tetapi sekali lagi, hanya segelintir orang yang tau tentang hal ini.

Ditengah keterpurukan dunia kepariwisataan Indonesia, terutama karena alasan keamanan, travel warning yang disebarluaskan lewat internet untuk memperingatkan warga negara asing 'bahaya'nya travel ke Indonesia, masuknya Airlines Indonesia dalam blacklist di Eropa, ditambah berita 7 keajaiban dunia baru ini tentunya akan mempengaruhi persepsi masyarat dunia. Nama Borobudur mungkin akan semakin tenggelam dan akhirnya jumlah wisatawan asing akan semakin berkurang.

Duh, napa jadi sok nasionalis dan serius banget ya? Cape juga serius gini :D But I', seriously annoyed with this. Gemes gitu loh. :)

Tapi, ok juga kali ya kalau bisa liat beberapa tempat yang disebut 7 Keajaiban Dunia Baru itu. Dari sini, mudah-mudahan saya bisa liat Petra, Collosseum di Itali, dan Great Pyramid di Mesir. (*grin*)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Old Music, Old Theatre

In an old Roman Amphitheatre at downtown of Amman last Thursday, we sat under the stars and spent the night listening to classic music concert complete with the Choir. They played famous classical numbers such as Choral Fantasy (Beethoven), Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin), and Carmina Burana (Carl Orff).

I'm not an expert in music, but I love classic music and enjoyed listening to it every now and then. The concert was good. The Orchestra and Choir were professional. The musicians played very well, and the choir did a great job especially on Carmina Burana. But there's something I can't explain that I think was missing. I didn't get a dramatic sensation or goosebumps I thought I would get. I'm not sure why. Might be the sound system, or might be my expection is too high, or might be because I didn't sit at the middle,...I don't know.

Anyway, listened to old classical music at the old ancient Roman Amphitheatre..... I would say that's a rare experience and I'm glad I was there to experience it.

and here is a bit of the video from the concert when they performed Carmina Burana. This time the video is originally uploaded by me. Yes, I'm starting to upload own video on utube now. :)


It's All About Waiting

Another weekend has gone
(have I mentioned that weekend here is Friday and Saturday?)

and here I am, still
waiting for our stuff,
waiting for car registration and paper works,
waiting for other paper work (better not to mention what it is here),
waiting someone to fix air con,
waiting for someone to fix the floor,
waiting for someone to fix kitchen's plumb,
waiting.. waiting...

Inhale.... exhale....
lots of patient,
and enjoy the wait

Pretty sure I'll lose my temper if i didn't get my stuff by next week.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Little Blue Boy

Say hello to Pocoyo!
I don't know much about this little blue boy. First time I watched him about 3 weeks ago, after Spongebob. Eerrrmm.... yes, I'm old, and I still like to see cartoon and anime, and I stay tune on Disney channel and Show Kids every now and then since I moved here (*grin*).

Anyway, I never heard this Pocoyo show before, and as soon as I watched it, I couldn't move my eyes from it. It's soooo cute! Made my laugh, so entertaining, even for people at my age. This is an anime series program for kids ages 2-6 (i think). It does not have many characters, the story are very simple and educating. The little blue boy named Pocoyo is the main character of the series and the programmes centre around his adventures, who is full of curiosity and adorable. Check the
POCOYO WEBSITE and see this video. You better watch it NOW before they take it out from youtube!

From My Old Mailbox

I didn't get many letters for myself, what we received were mainly bills, and lots of advertising 'junk' mails every now and then. But also from it, I received some good news, packages and interesting things to read.

Now I miss it.

Here, there's no such thing called 'mailbox' in houses or residences. No mailbox on the street for people to send letters. There's no such occupation as a Postman. People don't usually know and recognise name of the streets. They have to go to post office if they want to send letters or package. People have to rent mail box in the post office. So most of postal address here are PO Box.

This is only one of many unique things this country have.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Such A Pain

It was hot,
pressure was in the air,
It involved lots of screaming and yelling, and splashing
and here are the result
some burns on my right wrist,
another one on the other hand
some more on further up near elbow....

another one under my left eye (it's covered my make up now so I cant take picture),


and few more everywehere such as my left leg and neck (not too bad), and floor.


yes, splashes of hot cooking oil, fresh from the fried pan decided to land on my skin and everywhere in my kitchen yesterday
all of that pain i gained, just for making these.....

delicious potato cake with corned beef


and you now know why I don't like cooking.