Saturday, February 3, 2007

Only News

Open my eyes Lord that I may see wonderous things..... Psalm 119:18

was when Andrew got a (big) news.
A news, which,
made our hearts beat so fast of excitement,
bring big smile in our faces,
will lead us into a big change (again),
will be a great new adventure for us,
will bring us to the door of seeing and travel to the part of world that I never thought I'll see,
will give me headache and stress for couple of months.

Andrew was incredibly purely happy and excited. Didn't worry about a thing!
Me too, but whoever knew me would know it would be combined with other feelings, which this time is sad and worry. Sad that I'll be more far away from Jakarta. Sad to leave job and friends in Darwin. Worry about hundreds of things about the new place, the pack-up, etc. Am I a real woman or not?! :D

But I believe everything happens for a reason, and that He always be in our side and give the best for us. I will try haaardd to no to worry too much.

So, what's the news? It was that hubby have to start working in Amman in May and that we're moving and staying there for at least 2 years. That's all....


Anonymous said...

buset..jauh beneeerr..but gw setuju...everything happens for a reason....may God always bless both of you and always take cares both of lets catch the dream....

Nencee said...

Nice. Thanks. Tumben. Kesambet apa you ? :D Thanks again Bul.