Saturday, October 14, 2006

Sick & Knit

Uuughhh.... not feeling well.... its the time when i'll be in bed all day.... stuffy head, heavy eyes, blocked and runny nose, sore throat, nausea.... oooh so much in pain....! *grin* Well, actually not that bad. But still,... not fun to be sick, especially on weekend. :(

Anyway, I'm in to knitting now. A beginner, genuinely autodidact. Learned from books and internet. Seriously, very difficult to learn without anyone teach and show you how. It gets me maaad!! But after several times of trial and error, I (think) I am now can do Cast On, Knit Stitch, and Purl Stitch. :D. I think I held the needles in a wrong way, though because sometimes it slips or fell off. But I'm pretty happy with the result. I will be more happy if I can make something with it. I can't wait! I have some ideas of what I want to make... but I just dont know how!! So annoying... We'll see in a couple of months...... either I'll make progress, or I'll sick of it and give up. :D

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