Sunday, September 10, 2006

What Next ?

Changes,.....tell me about it. I've been through it so many times in the last 12 months. You name it. Change of marital status, change plans, change country, new environment, travel around, moving places, new home, new friends, new job, new colleagues, new place to shop, new places to look at, new this, new that.... To be honest, although it's exciting, it's also rather confusing and tiring. Especially for me who lived in static monotonous comfortable daily life for more than 30 years.

Not so long ago I started working in this country. Work was ok. Boss, colleagues, doctors, nurses were fantastic! I was so fortunate to have opportunity to work in the hospital environment. Being there every day brought me sad and happy feeling. Sad to see people are very ill, happy to see people cured and leaving the wards, happy to see the beds in emergency or ICU room empty, because this was not only mean it's good to see people are not ill, it's also mean less work for me ;p. Other than that, working with difficult person such as Ms "boot" was such an interesting experience. It brought me to a different perspective in how we supposed to do in the workplace in that kind of situation. But, apparently I did not meant to be too working in that place too long.

Yep! I got another job waiting. Starting tomorrow. This will be, again, another change (of course). It also means, we have to change our holiday plan. I'll miss my best friend's wedding, Andrew will miss his best friend's b'day party, we both gonna miss the opportunity to see and spend time with my lovely family, we gonna miss holiday in Jogja and Bali and all the thing that we planned to do in Jakarta. hu-uh.... :( Ah well,... hope to get there early next year.

Anyway, I am excited about my new job. Looking forward for it. Wish me luck!

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