Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Small World After All

It's been a while since the last posting. I know..., I've been very slack. Anyway, here is the update about the new job. It has been good so far. Got my own desk, computer, internet and e-mail access, just like the old days. Happy about that :) Work was good, simple, not tiring, not difficult, and not too physical. Colleagues were nice, the environment were peaceful, and they have the nice cappucino and ice coffee!

But, there's something else. And the whole thing came up to the surface just because of one simple question.

My supervisor,.. she asked the name of high school I went to in Jakarta. I answered with lot of doubt that she would know my high school (it's a catholic school, with a quite good reputation, but some people in jakarta just dont know about its existence - hiks - Might be different these days, though). Anyway, surprisingly she actually recognised my high school! With excitement she told me that her husband's family lives just across the street from the school. (How odd!... This can't be right!)

I asked what high school did she go to, and we ended up mentioning names of some friends that we know of! (excited)

Conversation followed by telling each other our parents name and her husband's uncle's name. Shockingly, the name of her husband's family name is familiar to me. And name of her husband's uncle is even more familiar. I know him and his family well, because they just live very near to my parents' house in Jakarta.(This is become a bit weird)....

With curiosity, I called my mum the next day asked if she knew this and that name. By my surprise,.. my mum is actually know my supervisor's mum! Mum told me that my supervisor's mum lives only couple blocks away from my parents' house in Jakarta,.. the house that I lived in for about 25 years. How creepy was that ??!! We must have been seen each other at some stage!

From million of people in Jakarta, both of us ended up in same office room in Darwin. We used to be going to the same church, and we used to be neigbours, but we did not know each other before, and now we are going to the same office everyday, and go to the same church again in town. How bizzare! :D I wonder if this happened for a reason... or it's probably only me with my wander nonsensical imagination....

Sunday, September 10, 2006

What Next ?

Changes,.....tell me about it. I've been through it so many times in the last 12 months. You name it. Change of marital status, change plans, change country, new environment, travel around, moving places, new home, new friends, new job, new colleagues, new place to shop, new places to look at, new this, new that.... To be honest, although it's exciting, it's also rather confusing and tiring. Especially for me who lived in static monotonous comfortable daily life for more than 30 years.

Not so long ago I started working in this country. Work was ok. Boss, colleagues, doctors, nurses were fantastic! I was so fortunate to have opportunity to work in the hospital environment. Being there every day brought me sad and happy feeling. Sad to see people are very ill, happy to see people cured and leaving the wards, happy to see the beds in emergency or ICU room empty, because this was not only mean it's good to see people are not ill, it's also mean less work for me ;p. Other than that, working with difficult person such as Ms "boot" was such an interesting experience. It brought me to a different perspective in how we supposed to do in the workplace in that kind of situation. But, apparently I did not meant to be too working in that place too long.

Yep! I got another job waiting. Starting tomorrow. This will be, again, another change (of course). It also means, we have to change our holiday plan. I'll miss my best friend's wedding, Andrew will miss his best friend's b'day party, we both gonna miss the opportunity to see and spend time with my lovely family, we gonna miss holiday in Jogja and Bali and all the thing that we planned to do in Jakarta. hu-uh.... :( Ah well,... hope to get there early next year.

Anyway, I am excited about my new job. Looking forward for it. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

A Year Ago

A year ago today, I was on a plane from Jakarta to Adelaide, planned to stay there only for 3 months.

A year ago today, I arrived in Adelaide with love, happiness, hope, and confusion.

A year ago today, I never ever knew that I would end up staying in this country till now.

A year ago today, I started new journey of my life .....