Thursday, June 29, 2006


Your Emoticon is Sad

You're feeling a tad depressed right now. It will likely pass soon, but for now, you need some major cheering up!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Apart from winning the bet, yesterday was the worst day ever! Had a bad day in the office. Gosh... can't understand why..... was it me? what did I do wrong? what's wrong with you, people... What's their problem?! and what the hell was she doing in our room ?! Felt so angry, tired, sad, and misserable at the end of the day.

Can't believe I have to face more than 10 "mimi hitam" in that place... !!

I miss my old job n colleagues sooooo muuuuchhhh!!!

But I felt a lot better this evening, after knowing someone is actually have the same feeling, thought, and idea about how things going in there. Gosh... I thought It was only me. I thought I've caught by an 'office' culture shock. But apparently I didn't. I was right about how I felt. It wasn't me. Its them who have problem. It's really a great feeling. Thanks, Bec. You've made my day :)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Thanks Mr Beckham

Finally, for the first time in my life, I won a bet on a soccer game ! :)
Here was the deal: whoever guess the closest score, win the bet. The winner will get exclusive 30 minutes non-stop massage from the looser. The match was, of course, Australia vs Italy, which was happened today.

Unlike me, Andrew is very into sport. He played cricket and australian football, also try to keep in shape with exercises like do the weight, run, walk, etc etc. Hence, not a surprise when he was so excited when Australia went to the World Cup 2006 after more 32-year wait. As you can also guess, he never missed watching the "socceroos" match in this event. He stayed up until 4.30am, or put an alarm on to wake him up at 3.30am so he could watch the game that start at 4am. Then go to work at 8am. I still couldn't understand how can he do that, but he did.

Anyway, back to the bet,... Andrew guessed 2-1 for Australia, and my guess was 1-0 for Italy.

At the end, my score was not even close to the score. I got it exactly right, instead! Yeaah... too bad, Australia was knocked out of 2006's World Cup in Germany this morning when they accepted a late penalty to lose the second round match against Italy 1-0.

Andrew and friends were in Brisbane for work when they saw the match. Andrew was of course dissapointed, same as other Australian supporter. Only because the lost was caused by the bad referee decision. Well,... but that's the way it goes. Can't change the score. I still win. :)

Something that Andrew didn't know is how can I get the score right, because I am not into soccer, and I barely know the quality, strength and the chance of winning for each team. Well,.. here's the secret. I heard a long distance interview call with David Beckham on the radio, on the way back from work yesterday evening. He'd been asked on what does he think about the coming Aussie and Italy match. He said it might be 1-0 for Italy!! '-)

I knew I was not a good better, and I have never win a bet before. So I thought I might try Mr Beckham's guess. And it's true! Gosh... good on you, David!

Sayang, you still owe me a massage. :)

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Pheeuuw..... Thank God Its Friday!.... weekend is coming! yay ! :)

Work...... it was ok, it's not too hard, not easy as well. I think I was quick enough to pick up things around there. However, so far I can't say I like the environment. It gave me a sad n misserable feeling. And the colleagues....... hmmm.... they are way too serious and stress! They looked unhappy and grumpy all the time. But luckily, a girl who teach me how to do things was very nice. Kinda fun, and friendly person. In contrast with others. She's cute, very young and relax, adorable, but can be clumsy too. :) Anyway, few people think we are sisters. She is philipino, though. So, yeah, we are asian looked alike :)

The only problem so far was getting up in the morning. Oooh.... sooooo hard!! -
I get use to sleep late and get up late in the last 9 months. I won't be able to close my eyes before 11pm. Most of the time I'll sleep after midnight. Clearly, I'm so not a morning person.

Anyway, I thankful I got this job as a start. Eventhough it's a temporary short term position, but at least its an office job. So, no more complaint! Just try to enjoy and minggle with those 'jutek' people. I realise that I can only get temporary jobs for the time being, due to my resident status. It will be hard, have to adapt with new office, new people, and new environment all the times. But so be it. It'll be hard, but surely will also be exciting! :D

I do miss my classmate....
I missed 2 picnics with them this week. Well,... hope I can catch up with them again soon.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Monday, June 12, 2006

Litchfield Trip

Look at what we found on the side of the road on the way to Litchfield, a tourism place about 130 km from Darwin. Kinda unique, isn't it ? I believe number 19 is the number of the property. The owner was creative enough to put a phony legs like that. Not sure what's for. But it certainly attracted us.

Anyway, we drove to Litchfield last Tuesday for a day trip. The weather was about 26C degrees and the sun was shining. Was a perfect day for a day out trip. For people who come from tropical countries might not be surprised with the scenes, but apparently the journey still fun and what we saw still attractive and interesting.

We experienced Magnetic Termite Mounds, historic mining ruins, monsoonal rainforest, and few waterfalls. Lots of walk and bit of hiking. Good exercise for legs and body muscles. As you can also guess, it's all sore the next day, and became more sore on the day after. Believe it or not, today my calfs are still in pain! The only regret was I did not bring my swimmers, otherwise I would've jump into a tranquil swimming hole at Florence Falls !! Pictures of
Litchfield Trip is available. Check it out.

Tired but Happy

A socialising day, that's what I would call today. That was because I was so busy meeting mates and had a good fun with them! In the morning-afternoon, I went to the mall. And as what usually women do, we chated and window shopping, and had meals. Today we also run for a movie.

Initially I and Myrna wanted to watch X-Men3, but Maysie did not like that kind of movie. So we ended up watching The Break-Up. It was actually not bad at all ! Vaughn and Aniston play Gary and Brooke, a modern couple whose relationship breaks down five minutes after the film started. They got into lots of quarrels from the very simple things until it got into very serious. The good thing about this film was it brought up the common problem that any couple can experience. It felt so real. Some dialogs seemed to be familiar, and the character of the Gary and Brooke reminded me to myself and my husband! (but of course we dont have same problem). It's supposed to be a romantic comedy movie, and I did laugh in some way. The two actors actually handle the emotional of the movie very well. And they got me. I could sense how annoyed irritated, and frustated Brook must felt to Gary, and I could be a bit teary at the end as well. I realised it’s really not that funny to break up, it’s painful, in fact. But I The Break-Up is an easy, light, watchable and recommended movie. You might have something to think about for your own relationship.

Not long after I got home, I had to go again. This time I and Andrew went to a small gathering at my classmate's house, Joji. Same girls who went to lunch on Wednesday plus their spouses came along. It was a good crowd, nice people, yummy meals, and beautiful weather. Even my husband enjoyed it.

What a day.... but I really had a good time. Life is getting better and better (i am saying this with BIG smile on my face) :D

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Girls Day Out

As this semester will be finishing soon, some girls in my class were thinking to get together outside the class. Of course I was very excited. Since I moved here, it was only me and my husband. Or in the other time would be me, my husband and his bosses or 'high level' colleagues... which was ok, but they talked about "business" all the time. Was not too fun... (sorry babe... ;p). More than 30 years of my life in Jakarta I was surrounded by families and friends. I used to be busy working during the day and hang out with my mates on our after work and weekends. Killed the time, try to release stress after work by shopping, laughing, gossiping, and talking about unimportant things, or pouring each other heart... kinda miss that moments.

Anyway, it finally happened last Wednesday. We went to lunch at an "all you can eat" restaurant inside the Sky City Casino. It was only 7 of us, though. Indonesian, Thai, Japanese, 2 Chinese, Philippine, and Indian. What an interesing mix ! You can guess which one from which country from
this pictures.

We were all starving when we get there, but seemed only me and Joji who ate a lot. But other girls amazed on how much I could eat, which was a bit embarassing!.... :D Well, we were in all-you-can-eat restaurant, guys... just enjoy, eat slowly and take it easy. You'll get there too! :) Minu brought her son, which was adorable. We managed to chit chat, laugh, eat, and of course took photos. After lunch, some of us who did not feeling going home. Joji had an idea to go to adult shop. haaa....! It would be interesting, i thought! But some girls were afraid and some were refused to go. For me,... it was a brilliant idea! No.. not because I wanted to come there desperately,... but I admitted that I was curious on how's it looks like inside. Hey, we are all adults. Nothing to be ashamed of! So, it was good when Joji burst that idea out. At least I dont have to go there by myself and looks like a weirdo. We can go together and looks like weirdos together. :) Well,... inside the shop was actually very interesting. It had lots of tools and things that you did not even imagine before. Glad I've made it. I did not buy anything, though... Maybe later ;p But Joji bought few small naughty funny things to be given to all girls in the class. :D

We went to have drink in the cafe near the beach before we got home. We had another small relaxing talk, shared experience, ideas, and information. Reminds me to my old days in Jakarta... except this time I have to use English.... I am sure we were all feel good at that time. For me, it was great! What a nice companion,... what a beautiful day, and what an experience (adult shop)! :D

That day, for the first time since we lived together, Andrew came home first.

That day I woke up without knowing that I was going to have my first hang out with my mates in this country :) I am sure this is not the first and the last. I'll make friends, and will hang out lots and lots!

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Everyday Is Another Picture

In the last few days Andrew had to work long hours for some reasons. I meant... VERY long. I don't think I've ever seen him so busy and work so hard before. He worked days and nights, week days and weekends. As far as I understand his commitment towards his job, I must admit I missed him around. But as a sweet independent wife (hohoho...), I tried to be calm and understanding by making myself occupied as well. I managed it quite well during the day. But what would you do in the evening, especially on week ends without your love ones or friends companion....?

Well,.... I guess during these times, my best companion is camera. It was just a standard digital camera, and technically belongs to Andrew. But it is better than nothing, and it is good enough to satisfy my 'amarteur' photography hobby. It was left out in quite some times, but Andrew's 'dissapearing' reminds me to play with it again. I brought it almost everyday lately, to where ever I go. I was actually hoping to find BIG lizard again and took the real picture of it. But I have not find any lately.

On Monday evening, I've successfully push myself to do a bit of exercise (at least that was the plan), which I rarely do since I moved here. I waited until the sun's ray was not too strong and jog to the beach. Of course, I also brought my camera. Well,.... at the end I did not really had exercise because I stopped a lot to take pictures. Shot here, shot there, not to mention when I finally get to the park area near the beach. It was the time when the sun about to go down....just a right time take shots !

The beach is only about 3 km from where I live, hence it's not difficult to see any 'sea' sceneries, including sunset. I considered myself lucky because I like the scene of sunset so much, and I dont think I can get bored with it. Moreover, sunset is one of the best thing you can see in Darwin. So, do not get shock if most of the photo object while I am here is sunset and sceneries.

Anyway,... enough talking.... here is some of my
recent shots. Take a look and let me know what you think. Hope you like it, though.