Monday, May 19, 2014

Peaceful Morning

This morning, I went back to sleep after sending my boy to the school bus. Woke up at 10 am feeling a bit better. I had the house for myself today. Had a cuppa while catching up with my daily "gadget" routine. With no other 'house maintenance' sounds interrupting in the background. Only chirps of birds from the garden and a tick tock sounds from the clock, other than that just silent. So quiet and peaceful. Not in a hurry or obliged to do anything. Just doing nothing and enjoy the silent…... Sometimes that's what I really need, once in a while……only once in a while.

I am still here...

Oh wow… it's been more than a year since my last post!! Obviously I was rather busy. Again, feel so bad not to be able to write and record all of the important and unimportant things in the last year.  Lucky I still remember the password to get in here.

Anyway, just a short post to say that I am still here, alive. :D Of course my situation and circumstances has changed. We have moved to the new place, been through a lot of up and down, happy and sad.

I intend and insist to hold on to this blog, hoping to catch up with my writing again soon.

ciao for now!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

What People Think

A friend from the very old old days contacted me today, out of the blue. A little awkward conversation at first not only because the wifi connection was in a poor quality but also because the last conversation we had probably about 20 years ago !! However of course we are friends on my "not very active" FB and recently he found me on instagram.

After a while the conversation flowed a little bit better. Interesting to know how he is after all this time. He told me that my voice sounded the same, always have a fun and happy vibrant. That I always looked happy, sounds cheerful, seems never have any problem or burden in life.  And that my photos on instagram were beautiful, representing my happiness and calmness.

It is not true, of course, because there is no perfect life where a person can be happy all the time.  But it is not surprising. I am not a person who like to update my status on socmed very often, or share what I feel and what I am doing every second to the world. I also very reluctant to share my problem and pour my heart to people I barely know. Having to say that this old friend does not really know me, but it is good to know that people think I am a happy person - which I always wanted to be. And it feels good to know that other people can feel happy when they look at my pictures !

I will continue to be who i am. 😊

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

First day of prep school

A big day for my baby boy!

He is now a big boy going to a big kids school! Today he started prep class, means he will stay in school longer than before. Mon - fri, 8.30 - 3 pm!!

We've been talking about this new school, that he will be part of the big kids who will stay until 3 pm and need to behave n listen to new teacher. I think he is quite proud of himself thinking that he is a big boy now. He was very excited this morning and looking forward to use all of his new stationary, uniform, shoes, etc. :)

Me being sentimental thinking he is growing too fast! Hope he has a great-happy day in school, today and everyday ahead, and wish you do well this year. xoxo

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The corner

Our crowded corner at this time of the year. The tree looks too loud with all of colourful ornaments and lights. It has no theme at all, but we are thankful for the tree and the time given to put this tree up, also thankful for the presents that we can put under the tree this year.  Mine is quite big and heavy and I still don't know what's inside! Seems like its gonna be a good surprise ! :)

special ornament

Every year i bought or make special christmas tree ornament for evan with his name and year. We will collect and keep them all, for him to remember. Perhaps when he grow up he can have them all to hang on his own christmas tree. :)

This year i decided to make it, together with him like last year. I thought this one will be fun and suit to his age. We had fun together making so much mess with the paint. After few attemps it finally come together quite nicely :)

Merry christmas my dear Evan. Xoxo

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Evan mentioned this few times in the last few weeks...

" I want brother who does not live in the other island"

"I want brother who stay here"

" i wish i have brother so i can draw together"

" brother's bear is my favorite story!"


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Letter for Mr Santa

This is my writing, truly based on what Evan said to me. Gee,... its a long list! and not sure how did he know about mini ipad.

This letter has now located in the post office mail box, ready to be delivered to the North Pole.

Ho... Ho... Ho .... !

Saturday, December 1, 2012

From Tummy

Evan is at the age of want to know everything and ask soooo many many, and many questions. Yesterday he asked me where did he come from. I did not think much and just said " you came from mommy's tummy!" He just replied, "oooh"

Conversation tonight before bed:

E : why i come from your tummy?
Me : because thats the way it is.
E : what's in your tummy?
me : erhmmmmm... food. i just had dinner.
E : but how come i come from your tummy ?
me : all babies came from their mum's tummy.
E : but how?
Me : all babies came from their mummy's tummy. For example your friend, Maddy came from her mum's tummy. Brendan came from his mum's tummy.
E : you came from your mum's tummy?
Me : yes ! Do you know who is my mum?
E : errhmmmm .... Yes. Oma!
Me : now go to bed.
E : which one in your tummy ?
Me : which one what?
E : which one in your tummy i came from?
Me : there is place in mummy's tummy for food, and there is another place for baby. Now time to go to sleep.
E : but but what does it called? Place that have baby
Me : it called womb
E : oooh...
Me : now pls go the sleeppppp
E : but but can dad have baby in his tummy too?
Me : only mommies can have babies in their tummy
E : but, but ....
Dad : Evan, time to go to sleep !
E : ooooh... :( okay ....
Me : pheuuuwh!!

December is here

We are still here, and will stay here on christmas. Will trying ( hopefully not too hard) to take easy and enjoy holiday season in the the island. Being away off the island for almost a month last month was super great. But the long overnight trip on the way back and the work n lack of sleep i had since i got back gave me never ending tiredness.
Hope to have a good christmas break and catch up with blogging soon 😊

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bug Jar

Just recently bought this for Evan. A bug jar. :)

I am not a fan of bugs, but the jar is very cute and has a lady bug on the lid, I couldn't resist it.  And of course it would be interesting to shoot the bug closely from the jug later on for my macro photo practice.

Now we have it ready in the house, ready for a new home for any bug that would be lucky enough move to this lovely jar.

Evan was actually fond to lizards, and want a small lizard to be put in the jar !!
Big No No, of course ! :)

We tried to find lady bug or little cricket yesterday but had no luck. It's the weather, i guess. Seems is very hard to find bugs lately.

We'll see what we can find and hopefully I'll brave enough to put it in the jar. :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Full Time

Now it's finally the time, ... when I have to go back to work full time!

Now I know how it feels to be a full-working mum. Even though I was on casual in the last 6 months, working full time is nothing like casual. It means more responsibility, more work hours, more work to do, more 'real work', but also means more pay.

It seemed hard to find time for myself when I was a stay home mum, and you can imagine, now is even harder. The biggest dilemma was sending Evan to school and day care all day, 5 day a week. I only see him in the morning between 7-8.30, and in the evening between 5pm-8.30pm. So little time. And most of the time when I see him is for rushing to go out the house, or rushing to have dinner and then bed. Not a very quality time at all. Like most people said, I'm lucky if I could spend time with my kid. I understand it now. If I didn't work, at least I can spend time with Evan after he finish school.

But opportunity to work full time doesn't come anytime. I have the chance to take it now, and it might be the time for me to take another step. The workplace is family friendly and so far they understand when I have to run around for Evan.

In a way is good. I enjoyed the work, colleagues, gained new experience, knowledge, and skills.  Hope will be good for my future career when we are moving back to the mainland.

But in the other way, it's hard to make time for myself and family. Life is so busy and always in a rush. House chores is always waiting, never have enough time to do everything. Hard to be active in social media anymore. :D I almost give up Instagram, just have no time to edit photos. Photography also neglected. My everyday photo project for this year is not doing good. Too many days has gone without me documented it. Not to mention my other passion like reading, painting, crocheting, etc etc...

It's been a month since I started full time work (started 2 April). And I still have to get used to the rhythm. Trying hard to juggle my time between work, house chores, spend times with the boys, keep in touch with family and friends, and trying to still exist in Blog, Path, Facebook, Instagram. :D:D. 24 hours is not enough!!  But I still believe that things happened for a reason. So I'll be hanging here, working hard, trying hard, and treasure every little moment I have.