Saturday, December 1, 2012

From Tummy

Evan is at the age of want to know everything and ask soooo many many, and many questions. Yesterday he asked me where did he come from. I did not think much and just said " you came from mommy's tummy!" He just replied, "oooh"

Conversation tonight before bed:

E : why i come from your tummy?
Me : because thats the way it is.
E : what's in your tummy?
me : erhmmmmm... food. i just had dinner.
E : but how come i come from your tummy ?
me : all babies came from their mum's tummy.
E : but how?
Me : all babies came from their mummy's tummy. For example your friend, Maddy came from her mum's tummy. Brendan came from his mum's tummy.
E : you came from your mum's tummy?
Me : yes ! Do you know who is my mum?
E : errhmmmm .... Yes. Oma!
Me : now go to bed.
E : which one in your tummy ?
Me : which one what?
E : which one in your tummy i came from?
Me : there is place in mummy's tummy for food, and there is another place for baby. Now time to go to sleep.
E : but but what does it called? Place that have baby
Me : it called womb
E : oooh...
Me : now pls go the sleeppppp
E : but but can dad have baby in his tummy too?
Me : only mommies can have babies in their tummy
E : but, but ....
Dad : Evan, time to go to sleep !
E : ooooh... :( okay ....
Me : pheuuuwh!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha :)