Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bug Jar

Just recently bought this for Evan. A bug jar. :)

I am not a fan of bugs, but the jar is very cute and has a lady bug on the lid, I couldn't resist it.  And of course it would be interesting to shoot the bug closely from the jug later on for my macro photo practice.

Now we have it ready in the house, ready for a new home for any bug that would be lucky enough move to this lovely jar.

Evan was actually fond to lizards, and want a small lizard to be put in the jar !!
Big No No, of course ! :)

We tried to find lady bug or little cricket yesterday but had no luck. It's the weather, i guess. Seems is very hard to find bugs lately.

We'll see what we can find and hopefully I'll brave enough to put it in the jar. :)

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