Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Had a quiet morning when the boys off the house for work and daycare. Got the books out of the boxes - finally! Tidy and washed the dishes, IG-ing, and it was suddenly 11am! And I had plenty more to do!

So I got out the house, walked down to the main street. Nice and cool breeze. I walked as I also chatted to my mum on my mobile! :) She said I should be healthier that I am now walk more, which probably right. I went to chemist to get antihistamine, went to 3 stores to find floating ring for Evan. Walked back, got in to a butcher shop, got out with 3 kg chicken and bacon. I walked up the hill back to the house, exhausted and hungry. It was 12 pm.

Made my lunch : double portion of Mie Sedap with diced tomatoes and celery.
Had my lunch whilst checking and replying emails and (of course)IG-ing. An hour past, I washed the dishes and back hit the road - walked down to the supermaket. Brought back milk and juice - total 4 litre, and fruits and vegies with total 4 kg. I walked up to the house totally worn out.

Then I harvested basil leaves from the garden for dinner tonight. I suddenly feel a bit fresh from the freshness and the smell of the leaves.

I sat down in from of Sitobi, wrote this blog, chatted away on YM, and it's 3pm. Maybe it's my time to had my nana nap! Or no, I better sweep the floor, made up Evan's bed, have shower, and cook dinner! (*sigh*)

And the work continues when the boys come home. Never never ending....

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