Tuesday, August 2, 2011


It's finally time to move to the house we going to live in. All the boxes and furniture were out of the blue container, and now the house full of boxes. We moved from spacious 4 bedrooms house in Perth into cozy 3 bedroom house. We kept some our belonging in the storage, in Perth. But still, we brought too many things here in to the island. After a week, the boxes still here and there in and out the house, endless unpacking....

It is quite frustrating to see the house messy and desperately want to unpack everything as soon as possible, but it's just to many thing to unpack and no place/space for them. This is the time when I think we have too much un-necessary stuff and regret that we have them. I kept saying to myself every time I open a box and unwrapped the paper, "oh... another junk" or "we don't need this" or "why do I keep this thing?" or "i should have thrown this years ago", and it going on and on and on...

I and hubby are on the same boat over treating 'stuff'. We like to keep 'stuff'. Old, broken, dirty, unnecessary, you name it. No particular reason. We just don't like to throw them. When I think more, the most possible reason is probably just for the sake of sentimental memories. So you can imagine two people have the same odd hobbies who live as nomads, have to put up with one of another stuff every time we move. MADNESS !

Hubby is better than me in some area, though. He would easily throw away his old clothes and shoes, except the one he really really like and has good sentimental history (which are not too many). But he keep almost everything related to computer, gadget, games, DVDs and CDs. Also ornaments and pictures.

As for me, I rarely throw away my clothes. I still have my jeans I wore 12 years ago, I still have t-shirt i bought in high school. I didn't remember ever throw bags, shoes, and accessories/jewellery. So I got dozens of shoes and bags, accessories and jewellery neatly saved in dozens of boxes. They are definitely still wearable, still in a good condition, because I always treated them well. But no doubt lots of them are old, out of date, and I might never wore/use them again. But I kept them anyway! Crazy,... I know ! :D Besides this, I also still keep my old diaries, photo albums/pictures, letters, and cards from many many years ago. Total crazy? I agree :D

Good thing is I and hubby never argue or complain, we are peacefully willing to put up with each others mountain of junk we collected.

We totally understand each other on this matter. :)

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