Sunday, May 30, 2010

Stroll Along

It seems not so long ago when we use this stroller around with Evan in it. Other than steriliser, this is another Evan's baby's thing that is long lasting and very useful. It's rather bulky and big, doesn't look so funky, quite heavy for me and bit hard to use at first. But no doubt it's really strong, safe for baby, and eventually very useful. It's been through any kind of surface; smooth, rough, rocky, wet, slippery, etc. Been through any kind of weather; sunny, rain, and snow. Been also trough many airport and luggage handling, which was not always nice to it. We though it was broken once we took it in Amman airport after our trip to Cyprus. But actually it could easily fixed on the spot. We took it everywhere, of course. We used it in Amman, many places around Jordan, Cyprus, Jakarta, and finally Australia. Evan not always happy to sit there too long. But he stroll, eat, and many times he asleep in it, so it must be quite comfortable. The above picture was taken in Cyprus in April 2009.

Now, more than a year later, we use a toddler's stroller which is much lighter and easy to use and store. But of course Evan doesn't really like to sit and stroll in there. He prefer to walk, run and climb now.

What happened with the big stroller? It is safely stored in one of our room. But sometimes Evan insisted to use it. Not that he want to sit in it, but he likes to push it around in the house with big Barney and Baby Bob in it. :)

Little Treat Of The Day

My sister in Jakarta told me about a korean children cartoon series called Pororo, which she said it's cute and funny. Her 12 months' son likes it, then she bought one for Evan. Unfortunately it can't be played on our dvd player. So he didn't watched it until about 3 weeks ago when I found out it can be played on our computer.

By surprise, he loves it! He can sit and watch for more than half hour. More surprisingly he can laugh, squeal, yell and point while watching. He was really watching, with full attention and emotions! Another milestone, yet another problem and dilemma.

Lately he went straight to computer room after bed, and turn the computer on by himself, then insisted to sit there watching pororo. If he gets restless and difficult I'll say 'you can watch pororo after this' , and he will settle down.

Not that I like him to sit in front of computer monitor for hours, but I can have lot of things done during those peaceful time. When everything's done, I can sit with him and browse the internet on the other window - in peace as well. He didn't let me type on the keyboard, but it's fine!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Little Helper

Evan always want to do everything I do. Including hang up the washed clothes. Sometimes he really wants to help me. So he would take the clothes one by one from the basket and hang it on the line. But sometimes the clothes is too big so it kept falling, when it finally stayed on the line, it would be in an odd order and position. Other times he played cheeky. That's when he took a few clothes from the basket then ran and threw them to the floor, took another clothes and did the same. Clean wet clothes were then lying everywhere on the floor (sigh)...
So basically he is far from helping. But lately he became a bit better. I found out he is good in hanging small clothing like his own clothes. And his speciality is hanging his own socks. :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's here

It's when the sun is brightly shining but there is a chill in the wind,

It's when trees turned bright gold, when yellows, oranges and reds are beginning to peak through the branches,

It's when the leaves started to fall and we rake the leaves in piles,

It's when small fires are made in the fireplace, AC switched to heating mode, and heater is out of the cupboard,

It's when the warm coat, sweater, long sleeves, and boots are worn,

It's when winter clothes start to get into the stores,

It's the season after summer and before the winter,

It's the fall, it's autumn,

it's cool, crisps, sweet, sometimes wet,

it's here.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Control Issue

My little cheeky monkey started to be very difficult when we go and about. Start from the parking park, when he get out of the car. He would refuse to hold hands, he walks or run to wherever he wants. Then he would run to every stairs, automatic doors, escalators/lift, or coin's mobile toys he sees. And then he can run so so so fast, doesn't stop and doesn't look behind. It's impossible to put him in the trolley or stroller in more than half hour. He would scream and cry and climb, trying to get out. One day he ran and ran to the matic door in the mall, until I have to leave my shopping trolley and run after him, out of the door, then ran again to the street (sigh).

When he sees small merry go round or any toys that he can sit in he would go in and out the plastic car, truck (or what ever it is) a hundred times until he gets bored, which will take more than half hour. If I force him to do what I want, he would make a scene in public. From screaming (very loud), crying, struggling (so so strong) when i pick him up, or sitting down or laying down (wherever he was. on the road, on the concrete, on the grass, on the floor ... everywhere!). He would do whatever he wants and I am the one who has to run after him and follow him. (aaarrrgghhh....!). Not to mention how I feel when people looked at us, especially when he is making a scene in public.

It doesn't matter if I am not in a rush. I'm happy for him to explore and play as long as he want! But sometimes it's not the time for play. I go to the mall because I have to. I brought him with me because I have to. And since I have to do everything myself, time is very important. I don't have time to wait and play with him all day or whenever he wants. I can't sit and wait for him running around and play in the playground hours and hours until he is tired. It's impossible and is not supposed to work that way. He is the one who supposed to follow me, do what I tell him, behave and obedient.

Nobody would probably understand, but trip to supermarket, mall or playground slightly become a nightmare to me. I got very tired mentally and physically by the time we got back to the car. I didn't enjoy out and about anymore. But I have to do it now and then. No other option (at the moment).

Recently I finally bought a harness with a little backpack and a long tail. The tail is for the adult to hold, to control toddlers from running away too far. My hubby didn't really like the idea so I didn't buy it, even though I was thinking about it long time ago. Since I think it become out of control, I thought I have to give it a try.

At first I'm afraid that he didn't want to wear it. So I was surprise to see that he actually looovee it. He even didn't want to let it go until bed time! The tail works too. It doesn't stop him from running, but at least I have control and I don't loose him or I don't have to chase him anymore. It definitely made my life a liiiitle bit easier. :)

How tall he will be

Evan and I - April 2010

I found this interesting facts on the net.

* By the age of 9, an average boy would have attained 75% of his adult height
* By the age of 18, he would attain double his height at an early age.
* By the age of 8, an average girl would have attained 75% of her adult height.
* By the age of 18, she would attain double her height when two years old.

source:Height and Weight for Children

This is indeed an interesting theory. I've heard that around the time a toddler turns two years old he/she has already reached half the height they will be when they are adults. I thought it was impossible, didn't believe it. But Evan's grandad called on Evan's 2nd birthday asking me to measure his height and told me the reason. He believed it's true, as he has it as one of the family tradition and did it to all of his son and grandchildren. He said he couldn't believe it either but it came up right with all of his sons.

Well, that was what we did that day. Measuring Evan's height, which was quite challenging. Now, the result might be not very accurate, but his height on April 2010 was around 90-92cm. It means his height will be around 180 - 184 cm when he is adult. Will be shorter than his dad, but definitely gonna be way taller than me! ;p

I just hope he will still as adorable and cute. :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Bad back pain, bad waist pain, bad headache, nausea, bloated tummy, sore tummy, lack of energy, over exhausted, swing mood. Unfortunately I have to face this every 2 weeks, about a week before the 'M' day.

All of those changes in my body practically will lead to my daily activities, because basically I wouldn't feel well and my stamina gradually dropped. I would not be interested in doing anything, very easy to get angry, would get furious from simple little problem, everybody - everything seems to be annoying, everything seems wrong.

I don't choose to feel like that. The truth is I really really hate it. I hate women's hormones and how it can cause me misery. But maybe people surround me hating me more for my bad mood and attitude during those period.

Poor Evan have to deal with me during this period, of course he doesn't stop annoying me. Anybody, better leave me alone. don't annoy me!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Love Tommy

Someone gave us a portable GPS car navigation system for our return to Australia in August last year. At first I am skeptical about the function of this little 'thing'. Not sure if it's reliable and helpful. I still prefer to use road map. We set our foot in Perth in September, where everything are new. We didn't know the way to anywhere! None of us ever lived here. The GPS was safely stay in our suitcase. What we did first was buying a big heavy road map and use it to out and about.

Until we settled in the new house and have emptied all suitcases, I just realised that we have this little gadget (i'll call it tommy - to be easy) safe and sound in the box, unopened. We finally turn it on, set it, and put it in the car, but still, we hardly use it. I don't remember when did we first use it, but out of the blue I became a big fan of tommy.

Tommy is such a smart little navigator. Not only it always choose the fastest route, it also shows lots of information such as how many km will it takes, beeping alarm if we about to pass speeding camera, tells you when you are speeding, the nearest fuel station, etc. It also very easy to use, clear instruction, clear touch screen.

I use it a lot in the last 2 months where I have to drive to places I never been to. It work out great!
I drove 40-60 km without any hassle. Never get lost, no confusion, arrived and get home on time. It's quite amazing, really. I can go on and on and on about how amazing Tommy is, but I would sounds like a sales girl. What I want to say is just this little gadget has never let me down so far. It's like a little magic box that can tell you everything about streets. Highly recommended for people who live in a new place like us.

Talking about technology, Internet connection on mobile phone is another one that I adore. It probably nothing but a tool for chatting and browse unimportant things, but at some stage it can be helpful when you know how to use it. One day I was driving by my self to find a place where I can print out a document. It was urgent, and it was on Saturday (limited shops are open on weekend here). Library was extremely busy, they couldn't do it. I didn't know where else to go, the only thing I know is a place called Snap who might be able to do printing. What I did then I google it via internet on my handphone. I got the phone number and address. I called and they're open. As I don't have any idea how to get there, I used Tommy to navigate me there. My problem solved without lots of hassle.

Now I love Tommy. I have to have tommy in the car so I feel safe, at least something to rely on when I get lost. But if you talk about my mobile phone, it's my second boyfriend (after my hubby). It has to be with me everytime and everywhere. It's my best buddy! :) Btw, I got GPS on my mobile too, but it takes the battery and not sure if it can be reliable.

Ah well, what a technology era we live in now.....

Thursday, May 13, 2010


A friend reminded me about today. I would completely forgot about how special today is. Today is an anniversary of my blog! Yes I started this blog 13 May 2006, exactly 4 years ago.

It's interesting to see that the layout had changed many times (unfortunately I didn't keep the record), I guess I'm not easily satisfy with what I have, always want to be better and learn new things. The way I write is different too. I must try to write in Bahasa Indonesia again sometimes. Not sure if my english improved, though. It's not me to assess. The topics moves from time to time, reflecting how colourful the journey of my life. The frequency is up and down, depending on a lot of factors. But I confess in the last year I had not much time blogging since facebook come into my daily life.

But today, this blog still exist. I'm glad I started it. Not many people following it (it's not my intention anyway), but it has a few loyal readers, which i think made this blog special. Thank you to one of them for the reminder about today's special day. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

M day


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Two Years

My baby boy is now a big boy! he had 2nd birthday last month. We only had a good simple celebration with his oma and opa. Photos with cake, then chinese food for bday dinner. As usual we had to have noodle on birthday.

The birthday party we planned cancelled. If we did it it would be on weekend, but we prefer to use weekend for out and about as oma and opa were here. Ah well,... hopefully next year we can throw a party for this little cheeky monkey.

He is such a clever and active boy, but also a stubborn and determined little person. He can be out of control sometimes, but can be a sweet pie another time. Whatever he is, I love him so much. Wish him a bright good future with happiness and good health.

My Dear Steriliser

This is one and only tool that have been very loyal and useful for Evan as a baby till few days ago. We bought it in Amman just after Evan was born, and had travelled around following Evan wherever he went. It has contribute a lot to Evan's life and health particularly when Evan was a baby. But his service has finally come to an end. It is now totally broken. It happened at the right time, as Evan might not need to have his bottles sterilised anymore.

It's time to say thank you and goodbye to steriliser, and hope to say goodbye to bottles soon, as Evan has turned 2 last month!