Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hello Teddy

Just a little update from the crafty sides of mine. I finished the Jewellery Making class last November, but finished the last project in December, after my big holiday.

Making new jewellery for practise would be fun, but I haven't really look for new beads, and the chance to get nice beads here is very small. I've then decided to switch to knitting, which I abandoned for more than a year. I thought I better start again before too long and forgot all about it. Not only that, I also worked on some cross stitch work.

The first work, a pencil case, didn't turn out like I'm expected. But I'm pretty happy with the next trial, a teddy bear. Didn't expect it would be symmetrical or if it would look like a bear. I struggled with the make-up instruction. I was really surprise with the result! and more from that, it can be the first soft toy for my coming bub! :)

Teddy Bear, Pencil Case, and Book Mark

Key Chain

1 comment:

cendee said...

sapi mao dong keychainnyaaaaa..bagusss..beadsnya jg buanyaaak amat ya..buset dah..hehe..bookmarknya gambar apa si?ga jelas..ga kliatan..herpotnya uda dibaca mangnya?