Saturday, July 28, 2007

Something I Missed From May

It was 13th of May last year,
when I firstly start this blog
just for fun.
didn't think I will go this far
didn't think I'm going to write this much
didn't think I'm going to post this much
didn't think I'm going to have so much fun
a bit too much so I didn't realised a year has passed
This might be a little bit too late
but I'm proud to say
happy 1st anniversary to my own blog ;p


Anonymous said...

wah..congrats d buat 1st anniversary nya..hebat ya..diem2 dah setaon..dan makin ke sini makin keren blognya..

Nencee said...

Commentnya manis bener ya?!! hmmm... Ada maunya kali ya? :D Thank you Bams!

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary......... gw adalah penggemar berat blog lo bon jd jgn males2 posting ye walopun gw males ngasih komen hehehe

Nencee said...

No probs and thanks Din! :D