Sunday, July 8, 2007

Old Music, Old Theatre

In an old Roman Amphitheatre at downtown of Amman last Thursday, we sat under the stars and spent the night listening to classic music concert complete with the Choir. They played famous classical numbers such as Choral Fantasy (Beethoven), Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin), and Carmina Burana (Carl Orff).

I'm not an expert in music, but I love classic music and enjoyed listening to it every now and then. The concert was good. The Orchestra and Choir were professional. The musicians played very well, and the choir did a great job especially on Carmina Burana. But there's something I can't explain that I think was missing. I didn't get a dramatic sensation or goosebumps I thought I would get. I'm not sure why. Might be the sound system, or might be my expection is too high, or might be because I didn't sit at the middle,...I don't know.

Anyway, listened to old classical music at the old ancient Roman Amphitheatre..... I would say that's a rare experience and I'm glad I was there to experience it.

and here is a bit of the video from the concert when they performed Carmina Burana. This time the video is originally uploaded by me. Yes, I'm starting to upload own video on utube now. :)


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