Saturday, April 28, 2007

New Toy

Woohooo! I have a new toy! I called it Sitobi, and it's a notebook.

Yes, I finally got a notebook for my own!
Andrew has been very kind to buy it for me! ;p I guess he is happy for me to have it so he can kill the aliens and monsters (read: play games) on the old PC more freely.

It's not a fancy-cutie Apple MacBook or Sony VAIO, but still, it's a brand new Toshiba, has excellent specifications-more than I expected, and more than I needed. To have it as my first notebook,... I can't be happy enough. I'm thrilled!

Sitobi will definitely keep me occupied for a couple of days, and hopefully will distract me from being panic on the Amman move.


cendee said...


constant change said...

asyik!!!!!!!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

gosshhh...finally gak rebutan PC lg ama hubby....