Saturday, December 22, 2012

The corner

Our crowded corner at this time of the year. The tree looks too loud with all of colourful ornaments and lights. It has no theme at all, but we are thankful for the tree and the time given to put this tree up, also thankful for the presents that we can put under the tree this year.  Mine is quite big and heavy and I still don't know what's inside! Seems like its gonna be a good surprise ! :)

special ornament

Every year i bought or make special christmas tree ornament for evan with his name and year. We will collect and keep them all, for him to remember. Perhaps when he grow up he can have them all to hang on his own christmas tree. :)

This year i decided to make it, together with him like last year. I thought this one will be fun and suit to his age. We had fun together making so much mess with the paint. After few attemps it finally come together quite nicely :)

Merry christmas my dear Evan. Xoxo

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Evan mentioned this few times in the last few weeks...

" I want brother who does not live in the other island"

"I want brother who stay here"

" i wish i have brother so i can draw together"

" brother's bear is my favorite story!"


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Letter for Mr Santa

This is my writing, truly based on what Evan said to me. Gee,... its a long list! and not sure how did he know about mini ipad.

This letter has now located in the post office mail box, ready to be delivered to the North Pole.

Ho... Ho... Ho .... !

Saturday, December 1, 2012

From Tummy

Evan is at the age of want to know everything and ask soooo many many, and many questions. Yesterday he asked me where did he come from. I did not think much and just said " you came from mommy's tummy!" He just replied, "oooh"

Conversation tonight before bed:

E : why i come from your tummy?
Me : because thats the way it is.
E : what's in your tummy?
me : erhmmmmm... food. i just had dinner.
E : but how come i come from your tummy ?
me : all babies came from their mum's tummy.
E : but how?
Me : all babies came from their mummy's tummy. For example your friend, Maddy came from her mum's tummy. Brendan came from his mum's tummy.
E : you came from your mum's tummy?
Me : yes ! Do you know who is my mum?
E : errhmmmm .... Yes. Oma!
Me : now go to bed.
E : which one in your tummy ?
Me : which one what?
E : which one in your tummy i came from?
Me : there is place in mummy's tummy for food, and there is another place for baby. Now time to go to sleep.
E : but but what does it called? Place that have baby
Me : it called womb
E : oooh...
Me : now pls go the sleeppppp
E : but but can dad have baby in his tummy too?
Me : only mommies can have babies in their tummy
E : but, but ....
Dad : Evan, time to go to sleep !
E : ooooh... :( okay ....
Me : pheuuuwh!!

December is here

We are still here, and will stay here on christmas. Will trying ( hopefully not too hard) to take easy and enjoy holiday season in the the island. Being away off the island for almost a month last month was super great. But the long overnight trip on the way back and the work n lack of sleep i had since i got back gave me never ending tiredness.
Hope to have a good christmas break and catch up with blogging soon 😊