Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bug Jar

Just recently bought this for Evan. A bug jar. :)

I am not a fan of bugs, but the jar is very cute and has a lady bug on the lid, I couldn't resist it.  And of course it would be interesting to shoot the bug closely from the jug later on for my macro photo practice.

Now we have it ready in the house, ready for a new home for any bug that would be lucky enough move to this lovely jar.

Evan was actually fond to lizards, and want a small lizard to be put in the jar !!
Big No No, of course ! :)

We tried to find lady bug or little cricket yesterday but had no luck. It's the weather, i guess. Seems is very hard to find bugs lately.

We'll see what we can find and hopefully I'll brave enough to put it in the jar. :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Full Time

Now it's finally the time, ... when I have to go back to work full time!

Now I know how it feels to be a full-working mum. Even though I was on casual in the last 6 months, working full time is nothing like casual. It means more responsibility, more work hours, more work to do, more 'real work', but also means more pay.

It seemed hard to find time for myself when I was a stay home mum, and you can imagine, now is even harder. The biggest dilemma was sending Evan to school and day care all day, 5 day a week. I only see him in the morning between 7-8.30, and in the evening between 5pm-8.30pm. So little time. And most of the time when I see him is for rushing to go out the house, or rushing to have dinner and then bed. Not a very quality time at all. Like most people said, I'm lucky if I could spend time with my kid. I understand it now. If I didn't work, at least I can spend time with Evan after he finish school.

But opportunity to work full time doesn't come anytime. I have the chance to take it now, and it might be the time for me to take another step. The workplace is family friendly and so far they understand when I have to run around for Evan.

In a way is good. I enjoyed the work, colleagues, gained new experience, knowledge, and skills.  Hope will be good for my future career when we are moving back to the mainland.

But in the other way, it's hard to make time for myself and family. Life is so busy and always in a rush. House chores is always waiting, never have enough time to do everything. Hard to be active in social media anymore. :D I almost give up Instagram, just have no time to edit photos. Photography also neglected. My everyday photo project for this year is not doing good. Too many days has gone without me documented it. Not to mention my other passion like reading, painting, crocheting, etc etc...

It's been a month since I started full time work (started 2 April). And I still have to get used to the rhythm. Trying hard to juggle my time between work, house chores, spend times with the boys, keep in touch with family and friends, and trying to still exist in Blog, Path, Facebook, Instagram. :D:D. 24 hours is not enough!!  But I still believe that things happened for a reason. So I'll be hanging here, working hard, trying hard, and treasure every little moment I have.