Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bugs galore

It's officially rainy/wet season here in TI. It's great to see rain, i like the mood. Gloomy, lazy, cold, relaxing.
The look of the island slowly change. It is now green, bushy, wet, and fresh. Where before was brown and dry. Grass and plants on our front and back yard grow madness. Green and fresh everywhere, very refreshing. The back yard started to look like a jungle with big trees and wild grass grow uncontrollable.

However, I just learned that wet season means animal galore!!
I guess all the bugs that usually live under the ground are now go to the surface.
Bugs, insects, reptile, mammals, they are hundreds of them are out and about !!

I also learned that frogs are singing before, when, and after rains !
So if the sky is blue but you hear the frogs sing, it means rain is coming, and it's really true !
I don't want to know how many frogs live in my yard, but i think they are many, and they are really loud and noisy.

Ants also get more mad in the house. They attacking everything and they are everywhere! I can not sit down on the sofa, or on the chair without having ants crawling on my hands or legs ! (*eeeuuwwww). Not to mention spiders and gecko. It became silly so we have to get pest controller. It is much better now. At least ants and spiders are no longer occupied the house. But they are still wonder around out of the house (*sigh)

Night time is the worst. All the insects are come alive ! most of them are gathered on the bright places, like a lamp/lights. One night we got home late and let the front light on, and found hundreds of insects flying around the lamp, and lots of bugs on crawling, including giant (soooooo big) black beetle, gecko, lizard (*eeeeuuuuwwwww!!!!)

Yesterday was a rainy day. It was pouring almost all day, and clear out around 4pm. At 5pm I got out to the lawn and see what I can shoot. And here are all the creatures I found only around the orange tree. I was there only around 15 minutes, because it was started to rain again.  Few more shoot of butterflies and bugs, but they are out of focus so I don't share them here. I wonder what would I find if I really explore the whole garden  (*eeeuuuwwwww)

mini butterfly on the grass

black lady bug with orange spots

have no idea what it is !! Found this on the orange tree

Giant orange spotty spider with yellow web on our orange tree !
bugs making out on our short grass !

What the hell is that? I don't want to know !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tukang ngintip bugs yaa..hahahaha -me-