Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Got to Start!

Omg!! I miss writing ! It feels like years since i wrote something worth reading! Been a long time since i poured my heart to the world !

Life been busy, like always. But my recent addiction to this tiny apps on the ipod is not helping at all. Yes, Instagram, has taken almost all of my spare time, which we are all now, I have not much spare time.

It invades my life just like that. From morning till i lay down in bed again at night. I took pictures whenever - wherever i go, obsessed to get magical n amazing shots, uploaded and edited them (this take up most of the time), posted them, checked the likes, replied comments, checked other people feeds, likes them, commented on their post, and so on and so on, ....... never ending. Pheeuwwhhh...

In the other hand and perspective, hubby doesn't mind if it keeps me feel happy. And I do look happier, he said. I didn't really care much and stress about house chores, which is good for him :D How amazing is it ?!

Mind you I'm not too popular in instagram world. I meant I don't have thousands of follower or get more than 200 likes every time. I just like to take picture, share, and maybe curious of what people might think. Just for fun.

However, though, I realize there's lot of other thing need to be done. I didn't do much since I got back from my 6 weeks holiday in Jakarta. I need to go back in the right track. It's like go back to my book, my crochet, my blog, concentrate on things to do for moving out and the most important thing is make an effort to toilet training my boy!! Its been delayed, not only because he doesn't show that he is ready, but also maybe I'm not ready too. But it's important that he is off nappy before we move out in july.

So i got to start .. basically, now!!

First thing first : reduce tapping instagram apps on my ipod :(


*cayooo* :D :D

erhhm....btw, here is my instagram feed ;p ;p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

teteuuupp yah..instagram feed link..hahahaha -bams-